MichalLytek / typegraphql-prisma

Prisma generator to emit TypeGraphQL types and CRUD resolvers from your Prisma schema
MIT License
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Adding custom scalars #43

Open macmillen opened 3 years ago

macmillen commented 3 years ago

It would be useful if there would be a way to map certain primitive field scalars from certain types of the prisma schema to custom graphql scalars for example with graphql-scalars to have an even stricter type system which also reduces the need for class-validator since the validation takes place directly at the resolver level. It would be really nice to have this feature to have more control over the schema generation.


type definition of Person in prisma.schema with the primitive type String:

model Person {
  email String

type definition of Person in schema.graphql with a custom scalar EmailAddrress:

type Person {
  email: EmailAddress

generated type definition of Person as a typegraphql object type with custom scalar resolver:

import { EmailAddressResolver } from 'graphql-scalars';

export class Person {
  @Field(() => EmailAddressResolver)
  email!: string;
MichalLytek commented 3 years ago

I'm afraid it's more complicated than it looks 😕

I wanted to do this by the custom attributes:

model User {
  /// @TypeGraphQL.scalar(name: "EmailAddress")
  email  String  @unique

But I realized I can only refer to built-in scalars as I don't know what import statement should it generate. For decorators it was solved by doing by TS file in runtime but TypeGraphQL has no way to alter already generated schema.

I need to find a better way to compose generation phase with TS values. Currently I'm thinking of exposing config object:

// typegraphql-config.ts
import { EmailAddressResolver } from 'graphql-scalars';

const config: TypeGraphQLGeneratorConfig = {
  scalars: {
    "EmailAddress": EmailAdressResolver,
export default config;

Which would be then registered in generator config:

generator typegraphql {
  provider        = "node ../src/cli/dev.ts"
  output          = "../prisma/generated/type-graphql"
  config          = "../typegraphql-config"

So the generator would be able to generate import for that file, so the scalar can be safely referenced:

import TypeGraphQLGeneratorConfig from "../some-relative-path/typegraphql-config";

export class Person {
  @Field(() => TypeGraphQLGeneratorConfig.scalars["EmailAddress"])
  email!: string;

The only drawback of this approach is that the config file would need to be as much static and independent (no custom code imports) as it's possible 🤔

Secondly, it's really complicated to apply such validation or scalars to input types, based on model type metadata. DMMF doesn't provide enough info about how the types are related to each other.

I try to apply some regex-like heuristic to detect that and rename types or fields. In case of scalars, it's one level more complicated because the types can be a complex StringFilter which are harder to replace with custom scalar than simple field.

All in all, this feature might take a long time to implement, so for now I would recommend waiting a bit for applyInputTypesEnhanceMap support and just use class-validator on the fields you need 😉

macmillen commented 3 years ago

Ok that makes sense, thanks for looking into it though. 👍 I'm already looking forward to the applyInputTypesEnhanceMap.

stevefan1999-personal commented 3 years ago

@MichalLytek You can refer to unlight/prisma-nestjs-graphql, where he added options to generator field:

generator nestgraphql {
  provider = "node node_modules/prisma-nestjs-graphql"
  output   = "../src/generated/prisma/nestgraphql"

  # typescript declaration type
  types_EmailAddress_fieldType = "string"
  # graphql scalar type for @Field
  types_EmailAddress_graphqlType = "EmailAddressResolver"
  types_EmailAddress_graphqlModule = "graphql-scalars"

model Foo {
  /// @TypeGraphQL.scalar(name: "EmailAddress")
  email  String  @unique

Then it should generate:

import { EmailAddressResolver } from "graphql-scalars";

export class Foo {
  @Field(() => EmailAddressResolver)
  email!: string;

which should solve your problem

Also I think we can introduce default scalars in graphql-scalars freely as we should be battery packed as much as possible. This mean we could let people to opt-out using it by import_default_types = false

fivethreeo commented 3 years ago

If you could output just resolvers and a .graphql schema you could just import all types from graphql-codegen built from that .graphql. Could also output a codegen.yml with the model mappings mapped to the prisma models.

MichalLytek commented 3 years ago

@fivethreeo typegraphql-prisma emits resolver classes, not schema. TypeGraphQL can build typeDefs and resolvers but this breaks some of graphql-js features like directives and extensions, so it's not a solution to force users to do that.

carlocorradini commented 2 years ago

Any update? 😥

calvinl commented 2 years ago

Just came across this. Would be great to use custom scalars in the generated code!

sebmellen commented 1 year ago

Would love to see this get merged! It would help us a lot @cerebruminc.