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Gra losowa (py) #8

Open MichalMisior opened 9 months ago

MichalMisior commented 9 months ago

Prosta losowa gra z HP oraz totalnie przypadkowym wynikiem.

import random, os, time

def rollDice(side): result = random.randint(1,side) return result

def health(): healthStat = ((rollDice(6)*rollDice(12))/2)+10 return healthStat

def strength(): strengthStat = ((rollDice(6)*rollDice(8))/2)+12 return strengthStat

print("⚔️ BATTLE TIME ⚔️") print() c1Name = input("Name your Legend:\n") c1Type = input("Character Type (Human, Elf, Wizard, Orc):\n") print() print(c1Name) c1Health = health() c1Strength = strength() print("HEALTH:", c1Health) print("STRENGTH:", c1Strength) print() print("Who are they battling?") print()

c2Name = input("Name your Legend:\n") c2Type = input("Character Type (Human, Elf, Wizard, Orc):\n") print() print(c2Name) c2Health = health() c2Strength = strength() print("HEALTH:", c2Health) print("STRENGTH:", c2Strength) print()

round = 1 winner = None

while True: time.sleep(1) os.system("clear") print("⚔️ BATTLE TIME ⚔️") print() print("The battle begins!")

c1Dice = rollDice(6) c2Dice = rollDice(6)

difference = abs(c1Strength - c2Strength) + 1

if c1Dice > c2Dice: c2Health -= difference if round==1: print(c1Name, "wins the first blow") else: print(c1Name, "wins round", round) elif c2Dice > c1Dice: c1Health -= difference if round==1: print(c2Name, "wins the first blow") else: print(c2Name, "wins round", round) else: print("Their swords clash and they draw round", round)

print() print(c1Name) print("HEALTH:", c1Health) print() print(c2Name) print("HEALTH:", c2Health) print()

if c1Health<=0: print(c1Name, "has died!") winner = c2Name break elif c2Health<=0: print(c2Name, "has died!") winner = c1Name break else: print("And they're both standing for the next round") round += 1

time.sleep(1) os.system("clear") print("⚔️ BATTLE TIME ⚔️") print() print(winner, "has won in", round, "rounds")

MichalMisior commented 9 months ago

Gra losowa.txt