MichalStrehovsky / zerosharp

Demo of the potential of C# for systems programming with the .NET native ahead-of-time compilation technology.
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CSC not on the PATH #19

Closed nifanfa closed 3 years ago

nifanfa commented 3 years ago

Hello ! when i try to run build.cmd it displays CSC not on the PATH. Refer to README.md. here's the cmd file

@set DROPPATH=C:\Users\nifan\.nuget\packages\runtime.win-x64.microsoft.dotnet.ilcompiler\6.0.0-preview.5.21222.2
@if not exist %ILCPATH%\ilc.exe (
  echo The DROPPATH environment variable not set. Refer to README.md.
  exit /B
@where csc >nul 2>&1
  echo CSC not on the PATH. Refer to README.md.
  exit /B

@del zerosharp.ilexe >nul 2>&1
@del zerosharp.obj >nul 2>&1
@del zerosharp.exe >nul 2>&1
@del zerosharp.map >nul 2>&1
@del zerosharp.pdb >nul 2>&1

@if "%1" == "clean" exit /B

csc /debug:embedded /noconfig /nostdlib /runtimemetadataversion:v4.0.30319 zerosharp.cs /out:zerosharp.ilexe /langversion:latest /unsafe
%ILCPATH%\ilc zerosharp.ilexe -o zerosharp.obj --systemmodule zerosharp --map zerosharp.map -O --directpinvoke:kernel32
link /subsystem:console zerosharp.obj /entry:__managed__Main kernel32.lib /incremental:no
nifanfa commented 3 years ago

i just tried the hello world sample. but it still did not help.