Michelangelo27 / chatgpt_selenium_automation

MIT License
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Can ARM64 use it? #15

Open CubatLin opened 3 weeks ago

CubatLin commented 3 weeks ago

My code is as below, but it seems not work, please help thanks

from chatgpt_selenium_automation.handler import ChatGPTAutomation

# Define the path where the chrome driver is installed on your computer
chrome_driver_path = r"/chromedriver/chromedriver"

# the sintax r'"..."' is required because the space in "Program Files" in the chrome path
chrome_path = r'"/Applications/Google Chrome.app"'

# xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Users/ethanwu/Documents/GitHub/llm_project/kgis_openai/chromedriver/chromedriver

# Create an instance
chatgpt = ChatGPTAutomation(chrome_path, chrome_driver_path)

# Define a prompt and send it to chatgpt
prompt = "What are the benefits of exercise?"

# Retrieve the last response from ChatGPT
response = chatgpt.return_last_response()

# Save the conversation to a text file
file_name = "conversation.txt"

# Close the browser and terminate the WebDriver session
jazeelius commented 1 week ago

I'm also having issues