MicheleCazzola / CI2024_lab1

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Peer review lab 1 #2

Open FruttoCheap opened 2 days ago

FruttoCheap commented 2 days ago

This solution for the Set Cover problem is well-structured and demonstrates a good balance between simplicity and effectiveness. The code offers a comprehensive approach, utilizing both a hill-climbing algorithm and a greedy heuristic, each tailored to address different instances of the problem. The inclusion of helper functions for validation, coverage, and cost calculations, alongside a clear fitness evaluation, makes the solution modular and easy to follow.

The solution begins by generating the problem data with varying universe sizes, set counts, and densities. The algorithm adjusts well to different problem scales, ensuring that even the edge cases are handled (e.g., no uncovered elements in the universe). The generate_data function ensures that every element is covered at least once, preventing unsolvable instances.

The core of the solution lies in the solve_set_cover function, which leverages a simple mutation-based approach to explore different configurations. The algorithm effectively tracks the best solution found so far, iterating through a fixed number of steps while tweaking the solution and monitoring coverage and fitness. One notable strength of the solution is how it balances exploration and exploitation: the tweaking of sets allows for incremental improvements without completely discarding previously discovered solutions. However, introducing a more adaptive termination criterion, such as an improvement threshold, might further enhance efficiency by reducing the number of unnecessary iterations.

Another strong aspect of the solution is the visualization of progress. The use of matplotlib to track the fitness history over time is a great addition, as it provides a clear understanding of how the algorithm evolves towards a solution and how the fitness improves throughout the exploration phase. This is especially useful for debugging or analyzing performance trends.

The greedy optimization approach complements the main solver well. By selecting the set that covers the largest number of uncovered elements at each step, the greedy algorithm provides a baseline or comparison to the main hill-climbing approach. This duality allows for an interesting evaluation of performance: while the greedy approach is likely faster and simpler, the hill-climbing method may yield better-optimized solutions in certain cases.

Suggestions for improvement:

Overall, this is a well-executed solution to the Set Cover problem, demonstrating good algorithmic design and thoughtful use of both heuristic and metaheuristic techniques.