MicheleCotrufo / pdf-renamer

A python tool to automatically rename the pdf files of scientific publications by looking up the publication metadata on the web.
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Install failed #20

Open MrUnknown789556 opened 1 month ago

MrUnknown789556 commented 1 month ago

Dear Michele.

I tried to install pdf-renamer, but without success.

I have the newest Python version on Windows 11.

Install log attached.

/Frank Install log.txt

MicheleCotrufo commented 1 month ago

Thanks. This is due to an this issue with the installation of pdf2doi https://github.com/MicheleCotrufo/pdf2doi/issues/28.

Try the following.

You might get a warning saying that the version of pymupdf that you have installed is not the right one. You can ignore it, it should work anyway.

animusastralis commented 1 month ago

I'm also having this error, both pdf2bib and pdf2doi require pymupdf==1.21.0. Then (I guess) pip tries to build it from source but fails:

      PyMuPDF/setup.py: mupdf_local='mupdf-1.21.0-source/'
      PyMuPDF/setup.py: Building mupdf.
      PyMuPDF/setup.py: Building MuPDF by running: cd mupdf-1.21.0-source/&&"C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019\Community\Common7\IDE\devenv.com" platform/win32/mupdf.sln /Build "ReleaseTesseract|x64" /Project mupdf

      Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Version 16.11.38.
      Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

      The operation could not be completed. The parameter is incorrect.

Edit: as a workaround I've installed an old version of Python (3.9) on a VM (having multiple versions on the same machine is a pain in my experience). Hope pdf-renamer could be updated for using it with the latest Python versions.