MicheleCotrufo / pdf2bib

A python library/command-line tool to quickly and automatically generate BibTeX data starting from the pdf file of a scientific publication.
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Have you considered using worldcat.org ? #7

Open hgfernan opened 1 year ago

hgfernan commented 1 year ago

Congratulations for your excellent software. I just started using pdf2bib and I really appreciated it.

As I mentioned in the title of this issue, it seems that worldcat.org has a huge lot of information, and it seems it could complement nicely the other databases that pdf2bib.

In case you haven't studied it, I may try to do so.

MicheleCotrufo commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback, I will definitely give a look into that! I have been neglecting pdf2bib and its sister libraries in the last months since I was quite busy at work, but I will get back to them soon, fix some bugs and possibly implement new functionalities!