MichielvanBeers / Flow.Launcher.Plugin.ChatGPT

MIT License
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unable to use chatgpt in flow #32

Closed amqndin closed 7 months ago

amqndin commented 1 year ago

i get this error

Please open new issue in: https://github.com/MichielvanBeers/Flow.Launcher.Plugin.ChatGPT/issues

  1. upload log file: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\FlowLauncher\Logs\1.15.0\2023-05-21.txt
  2. copy below exception message

Flow Launcher version: 1.15.0 OS Version: 19044.2965 IntPtr Length: 8 x64: True

Python Path: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\pythonw.exe Node Path: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe Date: 05/21/2023 12:41:17 Exception: ChatGPT Exception: Websites: https://github.com/MichielvanBeers/Flow.Launcher.Plugin.ChatGPT Author: MichielvanBeers Version: 1.1.2 Flow.Launcher.Core.ExternalPlugins.FlowPluginException: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\FlowLauncher\Plugins\ChatGPT-1.1.2\lib\requests__init__.py:109: RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.15) or chardet (None)/charset_normalizer (3.1.0) doesn't match a supported version! warnings.warn(

---> System.IO.InvalidDataException: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\FlowLauncher\Plugins\ChatGPT-1.1.2\lib\requests__init__.py:109: RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.15) or chardet (None)/charset_normalizer (3.1.0) doesn't match a supported version! warnings.warn(

at Flow.Launcher.Core.Plugin.JsonRPCPlugin.ExecuteAsync(ProcessStartInfo startInfo, CancellationToken token) in C:\projects\flow-launcher\Flow.Launcher.Core\Plugin\JsonRPCPlugin.cs:line 294 at Flow.Launcher.Core.Plugin.JsonRPCPlugin.ExecuteAsync(ProcessStartInfo startInfo, CancellationToken token) in C:\projects\flow-launcher\Flow.Launcher.Core\Plugin\JsonRPCPlugin.cs:line 299 at Flow.Launcher.Core.Plugin.JsonRPCPlugin.QueryAsync(Query query, CancellationToken token) in C:\projects\flow-launcher\Flow.Launcher.Core\Plugin\JsonRPCPlugin.cs:line 314 at Flow.Launcher.Core.Plugin.PluginManager.<>cDisplayClass22_0.<b0>d.MoveNext() in C:\projects\flow-launcher\Flow.Launcher.Core\Plugin\PluginManager.cs:line 194 --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Flow.Launcher.Infrastructure.Stopwatch.DebugAsync(String message, Func`1 action) in C:\projects\flow-launcher\Flow.Launcher.Infrastructure\Stopwatch.cs:line 40 at Flow.Launcher.Core.Plugin.PluginManager.QueryForPluginAsync(PluginPair pair, Query query, CancellationToken token) in C:\projects\flow-launcher\Flow.Launcher.Core\Plugin\PluginManager.cs:line 216 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Flow.Launcher.Core.Plugin.PluginManager.QueryForPluginAsync(PluginPair pair, Query query, CancellationToken token) in C:\projects\flow-launcher\Flow.Launcher.Core\Plugin\PluginManager.cs:line 216 at Flow.Launcher.ViewModel.MainViewModel.<>cDisplayClass135_0.<gQueryTask|2>d.MoveNext() in C:\projects\flow-launcher\Flow.Launcher\ViewModel\MainViewModel.cs:line 836 --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Flow.Launcher.ViewModel.MainViewModel.QueryResults() in C:\projects\flow-launcher\Flow.Launcher\ViewModel\MainViewModel.cs:line 837 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.b__128_0(Object state) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

my python path is C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\pythonw.exe python version is 3.11.2 openai api key is in there

amqndin commented 1 year ago

hope this gets solved, it would be so cool prompting chat gpt from everywhere within second

MichielvanBeers commented 1 year ago

Hi @amawdiin, it looks like there is some dependency issue. Could you see if the plugin runs successfully if you use the embed version of Python that comes with Flow Launcher? If can not find that, you can also install Python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 and set the location under Flow Launcher > Settings > Python Path

Alexo88 commented 1 year ago


works, thats it, im using 3.11, now i change for 3.10, and its working.

i hace installed both version years ago.

amqndin commented 8 months ago

yes, i do have python and i do have the path in my flow launcher.

MichielvanBeers commented 7 months ago

Hmm, I'm a bit stuck on this one. I'm using PythonEmbeddable-v3.11.4 myself and that works as expected. Could you do the following:

  1. Reinstall the plugin to see if that fixes it.
  2. Try using the PythonEmbeddable-v3.11.4 version (though I would be surprised if that solves the issue)