MickMake / GoSungrow

GoLang implementation to access the iSolarCloud API updated by SunGrow inverters.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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MQTT error: invalid character '"' after object key:value pair #16

Closed jimmybish closed 1 year ago

jimmybish commented 1 year ago

Hi! 👋 As a round of perfect timing, I found and decided to give GoSungrow a try approximately 20 mins after you updated to v3.0 😁 Unfortunately, I've hit an error when attempting to sync MQTT to HA. (Note, I'm running HA Docker with Mosquitto Docker on the same host, but I don't think that should matter here).

The connection works and I can get devices:

./GoSungrow show ps list
┃ Ps Key           ┃ Ps Id   ┃ Device Type ┃ Device Code ┃ Channel Id ┃ Serial #    ┃ Factory Name ┃ Device Model   ┃
┃ [FILTERED]    │ 1181868 │ 1           │ 1           │ 2          │ [FILTERED] │ SUNGROW      │ SG5K-D         ┃
┃ [FILTERED]    │ 1181868 │ 1           │ 1           │ 1          │ [FILTERED] │ SUNGROW      │ SG5K-D         ┃
┃ [FILTERED] │ 1181868 │ 22          │ 247         │ 2          │ [FILTERED] │ SUNGROW      │ WiFi V31       ┃
┃ [FILTERED] │ 1181868 │ 22          │ 247         │ 1          │ [FILTERED] │ SUNGROW      │ WiFi V31       ┃
┃ [FILTERED]    │ 1181868 │ 7           │ 1           │ 1          │ [FILTERED] │ SUNGROW      │ SG Smart Meter ┃

But when I go to perform an MQTT sync, I receive the following:

./GoSungrow mqtt sync
Email:  [FILTERED]@gmail.com
Create Date:    Thu Nov 17 11:47:54 CST 2022
Login Last Date:    2022-12-15 10:45:52
Login Last IP:
Login State:    1
User Account:   [FILTERED]
User Id:    [FILTERED]
User Name:  [FILTERED]
Is Online:  false
Token:  [FILTERED]
Token File: /home/ubuntu/.GoSungrow/AppService_login.json
2022/12/15 02:52:39 Connecting to MQTT HASSIO Service...
2022/12/15 02:52:39 Connecting to SunGrow...
2022/12/15 02:52:39 Found SunGrow 5 devices
2022/12/15 02:52:39 Caching Sungrow metadata...
Error: invalid character '"' after object key:value pair

My config, if that helps:

  "appkey": "[FILTERED]",
  "config": "/home/ubuntu/.GoSungrow/config.json",
  "debug": true,
  "host": "https://augateway.isolarcloud.com",
  "mqtt-host": "homeassistant.home.local",
  "mqtt-password": "",
  "mqtt-port": "1883",
  "mqtt-user": "",
  "out": "",
  "password": "[FILTERED]",
  "quiet": false,
  "save": false,
  "timeout": "30s",
  "token-expiry": "2022-12-15T10:45:52",
  "user": "[FILTERED]@gmail.com"

It looks like it's at least got as far as creating mqtt_endpoints.json from cmd_mqtt.go#L522, but I'm not quite there enough with Go to figure out where it might have gone wrong after that.

MickMake commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I made a slight error with the mqtt_endpoints.json file. If you add a , just between the the two last array elements, it'll fix it.

    "getPsDetail": {
        "include": [
        "exclude": [

Change it to this:

    "getPsDetail": {
        "include": [
        "exclude": [
jimmybish commented 1 year ago

Ah, that'll do it! I even looked over that JSON file and the template in cmd_mqtt.go multiple times and didn't pick that up 🤦

Fantastic, all working now. Thanks!