MickMake / GoSungrow

GoLang implementation to access the iSolarCloud API updated by SunGrow inverters.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Templates don't work for newly-installed SG5.0RS #36

Closed Paraphraser closed 1 year ago

Paraphraser commented 1 year ago

Last Thursday (2023-02-16) I had an SG5.0RS installed, replacing an older inverter from a different vendor.

This is my first Sungrow. I've been trying to follow your README but I'm stuck.

I'm fine with these steps:

$ GoSungrow config write --user=USERNAME --password=PASSWORD
$ GoSungrow api login
$ GoSungrow show ps list
$ GoSungrow show ps tree
$ GoSungrow show ps points 
$ GoSungrow show ps data 1203625 22 20230217000000 20230217235959 60
$ GoSungrow show ps graph 1203625 22 20230217000000 20230217235959 60

But when I try:

$ GoSungrow show template list
No data table results for 'getTemplateList.ResultData.PageList'

#  - has no data.

On a hunch, I tried:

$ GoSungrow api get getTemplateList
    "pageList": [],
    "rowCount": 0

If I just assume the template Ids would be the same for everyone and try the example:

$ GoSungrow show template points 8040

Silence. Ditto any other Template Ids I try.

I can pick up the README again at:

$ GoSungrow show device list
$ GoSungrow show point data 20230217000000 20230217235959 120 1203625_1_1_1.p1

It's really the "no templates" that's the problem. I don't know whether to conclude:

No other issue seems to mention templates so my guess is it's something peculiar to my site (maybe the installing electrician forgot a step). I don't have another Sungrow inverter so I've nothing to compare with.

On the off-chance it would make a difference, I compiled on both macOS and Raspberry Pi OS. Same behaviour.

Any guidance would be much appreciated.

scarafaggio commented 1 year ago

FWIW I have a SH6.0RS and GoSungrow show template list lists 5 templates which seem to work well.

I haven't figured out where these are defined, or whether it is possible to define custom templates which would be nice.

Paraphraser commented 1 year ago

I think I'll assume this will either come good in time (possibly as a result of me poking the right button in iSolarCloud, or maybe these things just take time to populate), or it's simply not a feature of the SGx.0RS.