MickMake / GoSungrow

GoLang implementation to access the iSolarCloud API updated by SunGrow inverters.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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EU server login #72

Open rikardkjell opened 10 months ago

rikardkjell commented 10 months ago

[07:32:40] INFO: Login to iSolarCloud using gateway https://portaleu.isolarcloud.com/ ... Error: API httpResponse is 405 Method Not Allowed

Above responce in log when trying to use the add-on. Is the host-adress correct for EU server login ?

ottovdv commented 10 months ago

https://gateway.isolarcloud.eu is the correct one...

rikardkjell commented 10 months ago

Phew. Thanx a lot. Worked like a charm. 😁 ...for a while... I think... now this responce: [05:10:11] INFO: Login to iSolarCloud using gateway https://gateway.isolarcloud.eu/ Error: API httpResponse is 404 Not Found

Loosing the last "/" in the adress made it work... Now it is playing nicely

draoZA commented 10 months ago

added pull request for updated README

skydado commented 6 months ago

Thanks to @ottovdv's answer, I moved from "Error: API httpResponse is 405 Method Not Allowed" to _"Error: appkey is incorrect 'er_invalidappkey'" ... I did not change the default appkey provided with the addon ... is there a different appkey for the EU gateway?

ottovdv commented 6 months ago

See https://github.com/MickMake/GoSungrow/issues/101

Paraphraser commented 6 months ago

You can read the full background to this problem at #101.

If you just want the fix, see this gist - the link takes you to the part of the gist that summarises what to do for Home Assistant.

If your need is more general (ie you want to use GoSungrow outside of Home Assistant) then start at the top of the gist and follow the instructions for recompiling.

If you have any more trouble with this specific issue (er_invalid_appkey or an error saying the content needs to be encrypted) then please add it to #101. In other words, it is not specific to the EU server.

xpufx commented 3 months ago

I've gone through the gist and discussions as much as I can and am wondering why this patch is not included in the actual project ? Is it a license issue? Does the owner not want to incorporate an API key in the code?

Paraphraser commented 3 months ago

See the last paragraph here. That's all pure speculation. Nobody knows. The totality of #101, this issue, and other issues, plus the gist, is the best we can do in the absence of actually hearing from the owner.

xpufx commented 3 months ago

See the last paragraph here. That's all pure speculation. Nobody knows. The totality of #101, this issue, and other issues, plus the gist, is the best we can do in the absence of actually hearing from the owner.

So we CAN actually do this: https://gist.github.com/Paraphraser/cad3b0aa6428c58ee87bc835ac12ed37?permalink_comment_id=4983908#gistcomment-4983908