MickMake / GoSungrow

GoLang implementation to access the iSolarCloud API updated by SunGrow inverters.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Mqtt #80

Closed khkissel closed 9 months ago

khkissel commented 10 months ago

How to use mqtt directly without a HA Installation?

Paraphraser commented 10 months ago

If you:

  1. Download the relevant binary for your architecture and stick it in your PATH;

  2. Do the Config and login steps from the README;

  3. Run as many of these commands as you need:

    $ GoSungrow config write --mqtt-host=«HOST»
    $ GoSungrow config write --mqtt-port=«PORT»
    $ GoSungrow config write --mqtt-user=«USER»
    $ GoSungrow config write --mqtt-password=«PASSWORD»

    such that:

    • «HOST» is the fully-qualified domain name, host name or IP address of the host running your MQTT broker

      edit multicast domain name removed - see #83

    • «PORT» is 1883 or whatever you have changed it to

    • «USER» is a valid username known to your MQTT broker (if you don't have credential checking enabled on your broker, just don't run the command); and

    • «PASSWORD» pairs with «USER» (same comment about not running this if you don't need to set a password);

  4. Then just running the following command gets the job done:

    $ GoSungrow mqtt run

You can fire that off by hand, or stick it in your crontab as an @reboot, or build a container and let Docker run it for you.

Hope that helps.

khkissel commented 10 months ago

Thanks a lot for your detailed desription. I've done this before and wasn't able to connect to my mosquitto-broker. IP, port, mosuitto-userid and password are ok. But after starting the connection, I've got the following messages:

./GoSungrow mqtt run 2023/09/05 21:21:39 Unknown log level, setting to default. 2023/09/05 21:21:39 INFO: Connecting to MQTT HASSIO Service... 2023/09/05 21:21:39 INFO: Connecting to SunGrow... 2023/09/05 21:21:39 INFO: Found SunGrow 2 devices Error: network Error : dial tcp: lookup XXX on no such host

XXX ist the mqtt-userid on the mosquitto-broker. There is no host XXX.

| --mqtt-user | | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_USER | HASSIO: mqtt username. | XXX | | --mqtt-password | | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PASSWORD | HASSIO: mqtt password. | *** | | --mqtt-host | | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_HOST | HASSIO: mqtt host. | | | --mqtt-port | | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PORT | HASSIO: mqtt port. | 8883 |

Paraphraser commented 10 months ago

I'm not sure I fully understand your problem so that makes it difficult for me to give you a straightforward answer.

Perhaps I should build a working example from the ground up, then you can compare/contrast what you see on your system, and see if we can figure out what's going on.

Let's assume you have two hosts on your network:

  1. fred:

    • has the IP address
    • is running your Mosquitto broker, which:
      • can be either a "native" install or running in a Docker container (it makes no difference)
      • is listening on port 1883 (the default)
      • has no password checking (this keeps things simple).
  2. jack:

    • has the IP address
    • has the GoSungrow binary installed

The GoSungrow instructions tell you to start by running these commands on jack:

$ GoSungrow config write --user=USERNAME --password=PASSWORD

where USERNAME and PASSWORD are the credentials you use to login to the Sungrow cloud (ie they have nothing to do with usernames or passwords on fred or jack).

And then you kick things off with:

$ GoSungrow api login

which, as I understand it, sets up a token that automates login, on-demand, in all future interactions.

Now we want to tell GoSungrow to send its MQTT messages to fred. In this scenario, I've only given the IP address of fred so that's what we'll use:

$ GoSungrow config write --mqtt-host=

With that in place, we can tell GoSungrow to start doing its job:

$ GoSungrow mqtt run 

That's all there is to it.

IF you change the configuration of the broker running on fred so that it listens on a different port, THEN you have to tell GoSungrow about it.

Example. If the broker is listening on port 11883, then:

$ GoSungrow config write --mqtt-port=11883

IF you set up a username and password scheme for the broker THEN you have to tell GoSungrow about it.

Example: If you define the username "solar" with password "insolation" , then:

$ GoSungrow config write --mqtt-user=solar --mqtt-password=insolation

When you run the command:

$ GoSungrow mqtt run 

GoSungrow will go into a mode where it pulls data from the cloud and publishes it to fred. It will keep running and updating every 5 minutes until something causes it to stop which, usually, will be a control+c. You could, if you wish, just run it in the background as an asynchronous process:

$ GoSungrow mqtt run &

and then it will keep running until the parent process (your terminal session) exits or you send the GoSungrow process a kill signal.

Another possibility is letting cron start it at boot time by adding a line like this to your crontab:

@reboot ./.local/bin/GoSungrow mqtt run >/dev/null 2>&1

If you do it like that, it will stay running pretty much while jack is running.

If you suspect you might've made a mess of your GoSungrow configuration, just clobber everything and start over:

$ rm -rf ~/.GoSungrow
$ GoSungrow config write --user=USERNAME --password=PASSWORD
$ GoSungrow api login

The error you reported:

Error: network Error : dial tcp: lookup XXX on no such host

I realise you said XXX was the username, not the host name but the only thing that makes sense is:

$ GoSungrow config write --mqtt-host=XXX
$ GoSungrow mqtt run

I surmise that your client (the jack in your situation) has been configured to direct DNS queries to which is probably your router. Your router is trying to resolve XXX, presumably by forwarding the query to your ISP, and your ISP's DNS servers are saying "no such host".

IF you have your own DNS server which is authoritative for a domain you have set up AND your local hosts (fred and jack) have been configured to direct their queries to your DNS server, then you can use a fully-qualified domain name like fred.my.domain.com, as in:

$ GoSungrow config write --mqtt-host=fred.my.domain.com

Another possibility is to edit the /etc/hosts file on jack so that it knows how to find fred. The entry would be: fred

and then you are back to:

$ GoSungrow config write --mqtt-host=fred

This, incidentally, is the equivalent of what happens if GoSungrow is running in Home Assistant as an add-on. It is configured to use the host core-mosquitto which is the hostname of the Mosquitto broker add-on. Docker maintains a logical "hosts" file.

The one thing you don't seem to be able to do (and I've just opened issue #83 about it) is use a multicast domain name (eg fred.local). For some reason, GoSungrow doesn't seem to like them. I've only just realised that as I was trying to figure out what might be going on with your system.

I hope something in all this helps you figure out what is going on.

khkissel commented 9 months ago

Thanks a lot for your detailed description. But it seem that there is another problem. All the userids, passwords, mqtt-host ip-address and port are correctly set as you can see below: Using config file '/home/pi42t/.GoSungrow/config.json' +-----------------+--------------+-------------------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | FLAG | SHORT FLAG | ENVIRONMENT | DESCRIPTION | VALUE (* = DEFAULT) | +-----------------+--------------+-------------------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | --config | | GOSUNGROW_CONFIG | GoSungrow: config file. | /home/pi42t/.GoSungrow/config.json | | --debug | | GOSUNGROW_DEBUG | GoSungrow: Debug mode. | false * | | --quiet | | GOSUNGROW_QUIET | GoSungrow: Silence all | false * | | | | | messages. | | | --timeout | | GOSUNGROW_TIMEOUT | Web timeout. | 30s * | | --user | -u | GOSUNGROW_USER | SunGrow: api username. | ********* | | --password | -p | GOSUNGROW_PASSWORD | SunGrow: api password. | ******* | | --appkey | | GOSUNGROW_APPKEY | SunGrow: api application key. | 3D72E60331ABDCDC7B39ADC2D1F32B3 | | | | | | * | | --host | | GOSUNGROW_HOST | SunGrow: Provider API URL. | https://gateway.isolarcloud.eu | | --token-expiry | | GOSUNGROW_TOKEN_EXPIRY | SunGrow: last login. | 2023-09-10T18:05:22 | | --save | -s | GOSUNGROW_SAVE | Save output as a file. | false * | | --dir | | GOSUNGROW_DIR | Save output base directory. | * | | --mqtt-user | | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_USER | HASSIO: mqtt username. | XXX | | --mqtt-password | | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PASSWORD | HASSIO: mqtt password. | ********* | | --mqtt-host | | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_HOST | HASSIO: mqtt host. | | | --mqtt-port | | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PORT | HASSIO: mqtt port. | 8883 | +-----------------+------------+-------------------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------------+

The api login is working well:

./GoSungrow api login 2023/09/10 12:05:21 Unknown log level, setting to default. Email: *@*** Create Date: Mon Aug 28 16:42:24 CST 2023 Login Last Date: 2023-09-10 18:05:22 Login Last IP: Login State: 1 User Account: ** User Id: * User Name: ** Is Online: false Token: ** Token File: /home/pi42t/.GoSungrow/AppService_login.json`

Starting the mqtt gives the following messages:

`./GoSungrow mqtt run 2023/09/10 12:24:39 Unknown log level, setting to default. 2023/09/10 12:24:40 INFO: Connecting to MQTT HASSIO Service... 2023/09/10 12:24:40 INFO: Connecting to SunGrow... 2023/09/10 12:24:40 INFO: Found SunGrow 2 devices Error: network Error : dial tcp: lookup XXX on no such host Usage: GoSungrow mqtt run [flags]

Aliases: run,

Examples: GoSungrow mqtt run

Flags: Use "GoSungrow help flags" for more info.

Additional help topics:

ERROR: network Error : dial tcp: lookup XXX on no such host`

I dont know why GoSungrow is taking the MQTT_USER for the network lookup. And btw I can`t see any message inside mosquitto.

Paraphraser commented 9 months ago

I really have no idea but here are some possibilities.

First suggestion. Your config output is a little bit difficult to read so I'm not 100% sure about what I'm seeing (if you do this again, perhaps try putting the output between lines of triple back-ticks - that renders the lines in between "as is"). Anyway, this is what I see from mine:

|       FLAG        | SHORT FLAG |        ENVIRONMENT        |          DESCRIPTION           |          VALUE (* = DEFAULT)          |
| --config          |            | GOSUNGROW_CONFIG          | GoSungrow: config file.        | /Users/pkflint/.GoSungrow/config.json |
| --debug           |            | GOSUNGROW_DEBUG           | GoSungrow: Debug mode.         | false *                               |
| --quiet           |            | GOSUNGROW_QUIET           | GoSungrow: Silence all         | false *                               |
|                   |            |                           | messages.                      |                                       |
| --timeout         |            | GOSUNGROW_TIMEOUT         | Web timeout.                   | 30s *                                 |
| --user            | -u         | GOSUNGROW_USER            | SunGrow: api username.         | someone@domain.com                    |
| --password        | -p         | GOSUNGROW_PASSWORD        | SunGrow: api password.         | password                              |
| --appkey          |            | GOSUNGROW_APPKEY          | SunGrow: api application key.  | 40E66190FD0B4526A3B87B605F53A18C      |
|                   |            |                           |                                | *                                     |
| --host            |            | GOSUNGROW_HOST            | SunGrow: Provider API URL.     | https://augateway.isolarcloud.com     |
|                   |            |                           |                                | *                                     |
| --token-expiry    |            | GOSUNGROW_TOKEN_EXPIRY    | SunGrow: last login.           | 2023-09-06T16:24:29                   |
| --save            | -s         | GOSUNGROW_SAVE            | Save output as a file.         | false *                               |
| --dir             |            | GOSUNGROW_DIR             | Save output base directory.    |  *                                    |
| --mqtt-user       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_USER       | HASSIO: mqtt username.         |  *                                    |
| --mqtt-password   |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PASSWORD   | HASSIO: mqtt password.         |  *                                    |
| --mqtt-host       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_HOST       | HASSIO: mqtt host.             | sec-dev.my.domain.com                 |
| --mqtt-port       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PORT       | HASSIO: mqtt port.             |  *                                    |
| --modbus-user     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_USER     | Modbus username.               |  *                                    |
| --modbus-password |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_PASSWORD | Modbus password.               |  *                                    |
| --modbus-host     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_HOST     | Modbus host.                   |  *                                    |
| --modbus-port     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_PORT     | Modbus port.                   | 502 *                                 |

It looks to me like your output ends at the --mqtt-port line while mine has four --modbus lines. The config file is just JSON so I can't see why it would make any difference but, just maybe, yours is either mal-formed in some way, or from an earlier version, or there's some other logical reason which would explain this formatting difference which might also be implicated in XXX turning up in the wrong place.

Perhaps eliminate all these possibilities by starting from a clean slate:

$ cd
$ mv .GoSungrow .GoSungrow.off
$ GoSungrow config write --user=USERNAME --password=PASSWORD
$ GoSungrow api login
$ GoSungrow config write --mqtt-host=

and, if you really are using port 8883 (rather than 1883) then also:

$ GoSungrow config write --mqtt-port=8883

and then try to fire it up:

$ GoSungrow mqtt run

Second suggestion. Perhaps read #83. The test script in there would be a good basis for proving to yourself that there really is an MQTT broker on (at either port 1883 or 8883, as appropriate).

As you'll see when you read through that issue, I had a lot of trouble getting multicast domain names to work but no trouble at all with either IP addresses or fully-qualified domain names.

Third suggestion. Truth to tell, I don't actually use RFC1918 addressing on my home network. Whenever you see a 192.168.203.x address in anything I write, it's a sanitised address in the same way as I sanitise usernames, passwords, tokens, and so on. So, I have not actually tested any IP address from any RFC1918 range.

I can't see why it would make a difference but I thought I'd lay it on the table as a remote possibility. I say "remote" because it seems to me that if addresses drawn from 192.168/16 gave GoSungrow conniptions, I'd expect the issues list to be full of reports about it.

Another thing I haven't tested is an explicit host name, by which I mean editing /etc/hosts on your client computer (where you expect GoSungrow to run) to add something like: mosquitto

and then change the config to use the host name, as in:

GoSungrow config write --mqtt-host=mosquitto

The reason I raise this is because that's pretty much what happens in the target Home Assistant environment. You have GoSungrow and Mosquitto both running in Docker containers sharing a common internal bridged network. Docker dynamically adds the hostname "core-mosquitto" associated with the IP address dynamically assigned to the container when it starts.

In other words, editing /etc/hosts on the client is a pretty good approximation of the "known good" environment in Home Assistant, so it might be worth a try.

Fourth suggestion. Another thing I haven't tried but which I'm surmising from the output of GoSungrow config is the "ENVIRONMENT" column. I read that as saying that I could override the whatever is in the JSON config using environment variables. For example:

$ GoSungrow mqtt run

would override the with XXX

I'm pretty sure you'd remember having done this but it still might be a good idea to double-check that you don't have any conflicting environment variables. Something like:

$ env | grep GOSUNGROW

If none of those suggestions get you anywhere then 🤷

Paraphraser commented 9 months ago


If none of those suggestions gets you anywhere, then it might be time for you to explain your actual setup in more detail.

The kinds of questions you should answer are:

  1. What, exactly, is your hardware?
  2. What operating systems are you running on your client (where you want to run GoSungrow) and server (where you want to run Mosquitto).
  3. Is Mosquitto installed on the server natively or is it running in a Docker container?
  4. Is your home network a single subnet (eg
  5. Can your client computer ping your server computer (and vice versa)?
  6. Are you able to set up a mosuitto_sub and have it echo a message sent with mosquitto_pub (as in the test script example)?

and then add anything else you think might be at all relevant.

khkissel commented 9 months ago

I'd tried all all your suggested solutions. But no success. At the end I've digged out the problem and got it working. The problem is the mqtt-password. My password contains multiple hashes. Something must be wrong when processing the password. Apparently hashes are not allowed. Unfortunately, the resulting error message is misleading. Everything works fine using a password without hashes. I tested as follows:

./GoSungrow config write --mqtt-password=#Go#Sungrow1-8883
Using config file '/home/pi42t/.GoSungrow/config.json'
New config:
|       FLAG        | SHORT FLAG |        ENVIRONMENT        |          DESCRIPTION           |        VALUE (* = DEFAULT)         |
| --config          |            | GOSUNGROW_CONFIG          | GoSungrow: config file.        | /home/pi42t/.GoSungrow/config.json |
| --debug           |            | GOSUNGROW_DEBUG           | GoSungrow: Debug mode.         | false *                            |
| --quiet           |            | GOSUNGROW_QUIET           | GoSungrow: Silence all         | false *                            |
|                   |            |                           | messages.                      |                                    |
| --timeout         |            | GOSUNGROW_TIMEOUT         | Web timeout.                   | 30s *                              |
| --user            | -u         | GOSUNGROW_USER            | SunGrow: api username.         | *********@t-online.de              |
| --password        | -p         | GOSUNGROW_PASSWORD        | SunGrow: api password.         | *************                      |
| --appkey          |            | GOSUNGROW_APPKEY          | SunGrow: api application key.  | 93D72E60331ABDCDC7B39ADC2D1F32B3   |
|                   |            |                           |                                | *                                  |
| --host            |            | GOSUNGROW_HOST            | SunGrow: Provider API URL.     | https://gateway.isolarcloud.eu     |
| --token-expiry    |            | GOSUNGROW_TOKEN_EXPIRY    | SunGrow: last login.           | 2023-09-13T01:51:10                |
| --save            | -s         | GOSUNGROW_SAVE            | Save output as a file.         | false *                            |
| --dir             |            | GOSUNGROW_DIR             | Save output base directory.    |  *                                 |
| --mqtt-user       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_USER       | HASSIO: mqtt username.         | GoSungrow1                         |
| --mqtt-password   |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PASSWORD   | HASSIO: mqtt password.         | #Go#Sungrow1-8883                  |
| --mqtt-host       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_HOST       | HASSIO: mqtt host.             |                       |
| --mqtt-port       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PORT       | HASSIO: mqtt port.             |                               8883 |
| --modbus-user     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_USER     | Modbus username.               |  *                                 |
| --modbus-password |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_PASSWORD | Modbus password.               |  *                                 |
| --modbus-host     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_HOST     | Modbus host.                   |  *                                 |
| --modbus-port     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_PORT     | Modbus port.                   | 502 *                              |

./GoSungrow mqtt run
ERROR: network Error : dial tcp: lookup GoSungrow1 on no such host
Using config file '/home/pi42t/.GoSungrow/config.json'
New config:
|       FLAG        | SHORT FLAG |        ENVIRONMENT        |          DESCRIPTION           |        VALUE (* = DEFAULT)         |
| --config          |            | GOSUNGROW_CONFIG          | GoSungrow: config file.        | /home/pi42t/.GoSungrow/config.json |
| --debug           |            | GOSUNGROW_DEBUG           | GoSungrow: Debug mode.         | false *                            |
| --quiet           |            | GOSUNGROW_QUIET           | GoSungrow: Silence all         | false *                            |
|                   |            |                           | messages.                      |                                    |
| --timeout         |            | GOSUNGROW_TIMEOUT         | Web timeout.                   | 30s *                              |
| --user            | -u         | GOSUNGROW_USER            | SunGrow: api username.         | *********@t-online.de              |
| --password        | -p         | GOSUNGROW_PASSWORD        | SunGrow: api password.         | *************                      |
| --appkey          |            | GOSUNGROW_APPKEY          | SunGrow: api application key.  | 93D72E60331ABDCDC7B39ADC2D1F32B3   |
|                   |            |                           |                                | *                                  |
| --host            |            | GOSUNGROW_HOST            | SunGrow: Provider API URL.     | https://gateway.isolarcloud.eu     |
| --token-expiry    |            | GOSUNGROW_TOKEN_EXPIRY    | SunGrow: last login.           | 2023-09-13T03:59:37                |
| --save            | -s         | GOSUNGROW_SAVE            | Save output as a file.         | false *                            |
| --dir             |            | GOSUNGROW_DIR             | Save output base directory.    |  *                                 |
| --mqtt-user       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_USER       | HASSIO: mqtt username.         | GoSungrow1                         |
| --mqtt-password   |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PASSWORD   | HASSIO: mqtt password.         | Go#Sungrow1-8883                   |
| --mqtt-host       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_HOST       | HASSIO: mqtt host.             |                       |
| --mqtt-port       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PORT       | HASSIO: mqtt port.             |                               8883 |
| --modbus-user     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_USER     | Modbus username.               |  *                                 |
| --modbus-password |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_PASSWORD | Modbus password.               |  *                                 |
| --modbus-host     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_HOST     | Modbus host.                   |  *                                 |
| --modbus-port     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_PORT     | Modbus port.                   | 502 *                              |

/GoSungrow mqtt run
ERROR: parse "tcp://GoSungrow1:Go": invalid port ":Go" after host
Using config file '/home/pi42t/.GoSungrow/config.json'
New config:
|       FLAG        | SHORT FLAG |        ENVIRONMENT        |          DESCRIPTION           |        VALUE (* = DEFAULT)         |
| --config          |            | GOSUNGROW_CONFIG          | GoSungrow: config file.        | /home/pi42t/.GoSungrow/config.json |
| --debug           |            | GOSUNGROW_DEBUG           | GoSungrow: Debug mode.         | false *                            |
| --quiet           |            | GOSUNGROW_QUIET           | GoSungrow: Silence all         | false *                            |
|                   |            |                           | messages.                      |                                    |
| --timeout         |            | GOSUNGROW_TIMEOUT         | Web timeout.                   | 30s *                              |
| --user            | -u         | GOSUNGROW_USER            | SunGrow: api username.         | *********@t-online.de              |
| --password        | -p         | GOSUNGROW_PASSWORD        | SunGrow: api password.         | *************                      |
| --appkey          |            | GOSUNGROW_APPKEY          | SunGrow: api application key.  | 93D72E60331ABDCDC7B39ADC2D1F32B3   |
|                   |            |                           |                                | *                                  |
| --host            |            | GOSUNGROW_HOST            | SunGrow: Provider API URL.     | https://gateway.isolarcloud.eu     |
| --token-expiry    |            | GOSUNGROW_TOKEN_EXPIRY    | SunGrow: last login.           | 2023-09-13T04:07:57                |
| --save            | -s         | GOSUNGROW_SAVE            | Save output as a file.         | false *                            |
| --dir             |            | GOSUNGROW_DIR             | Save output base directory.    |  *                                 |
| --mqtt-user       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_USER       | HASSIO: mqtt username.         | GoSungrow1                         |
| --mqtt-password   |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PASSWORD   | HASSIO: mqtt password.         | Go-Sungrow1-8883                   |
| --mqtt-host       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_HOST       | HASSIO: mqtt host.             |                       |
| --mqtt-port       |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PORT       | HASSIO: mqtt port.             |                               8883 |
| --modbus-user     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_USER     | Modbus username.               |  *                                 |
| --modbus-password |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_PASSWORD | Modbus password.               |  *                                 |
| --modbus-host     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_HOST     | Modbus host.                   |  *                                 |
| --modbus-port     |            | GOSUNGROW_MODBUS_PORT     | Modbus port.                   | 502 *                              |

./GoSungrow mqtt run
2023/09/12 22:08:19 INFO: Connecting to MQTT HASSIO Service...
2023/09/12 22:08:19 INFO: Connecting to SunGrow...
2023/09/12 22:08:20 INFO: Found SunGrow 2 devices
2023/09/12 22:08:20 INFO: Caching Sungrow metadata...
2023/09/12 22:08:20 INFO: Cached 260 Sungrow data points...
2023/09/12 22:08:21 INFO: Syncing 148 entries with HASSIO from getPsList.
2023/09/12 22:08:21 INFO: Syncing 245 entries with HASSIO from getPsDetail.
2023/09/12 22:08:21 INFO: Syncing 1568 entries with HASSIO from queryDeviceList.
2023/09/12 22:08:21 INFO: Starting ticker...
2023/09/12 22:08:21 INFO: Fetch Schedule: 5m
2023/09/12 22:08:21 INFO: Sleep Delay:    40s

What does the many CU.... mean?

Should I open an issue about the password hash problem?

Thanks a lot for your excellent description and help.

Paraphraser commented 9 months ago

I have no idea what the CU mean.

I agree that the "#" is a bit bizarre. When I try:

$ GoSungrow config write --mqtt-password=#Go#Sungrow1-8883

the config output shows the password is intact:

| --mqtt-password   |            | GOSUNGROW_MQTT_PASSWORD   | HASSIO: mqtt password.         | #Go#Sungrow1-8883                     |

I get the correct answer if I query with jq:

$ jq '."mqtt-password"' <~/.GoSungrow/config.json

That suggests hashes embedded in strings aren't a problem for JSON parsing, which implies it's internal to GoSungrow so I'd say, yes, this is something worth reporting as an issue - assuming this issue doesn't already serve that purpose.

khkissel commented 9 months ago

Regarding to the password-problem I've opened the issue #85 . Again, thanks a lot for your help and the nice conversation. BTW, I wrote my first line of COBOL-code in early 1974. Best regards from the middle of Germany to down-under.

Paraphraser commented 9 months ago

Well, you've got me beat. If you don't count actual machine code programmed via panel switches into an SC/MP, my first line of code was Pascal. COBOL didn't feature on my radar until 1977 when I was given a listing that took over half a box of continuous stationery and told to add functionality. This was on CDC Cybers where the line numbers got embedded in the lower 18 bits of 30-bit NO-OP instructions so you could work back to the offending line in crash dumps. That COBOL program busted 262144 lines so the line counter wrapped. Ah, the good old days.