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Unable to login #13

Closed zachkont closed 1 year ago

zachkont commented 1 year ago

When I set it up it says account does not exist. This is most likely due to the fact that my account is on the eu server, not the au. However, I cannot figure out the correct gateway to use, could you please guide me?

I tried https://eugateway.isolarcloud.com but it looks like their certificate is expired and event testing with http://eugateway.isolarcloud.com does not work

[15:05:51] INFO: Login to iSolarCloud using gateway https://augateway.isolarcloud.com ...
Error: Account does not exist '账号不存在'
  GoSungrow api login [flags]
    GoSungrow api login  
Flags: Use "GoSungrow help flags" for more info.
Additional help topics:
ERROR: Account does not exist '账号不存在'

I also tried portaleu.isolarcloud.com but I get a 405 method not allowed

HermesDE commented 1 year ago

https://gateway.isolarcloud.eu worked for me

zachkont commented 1 year ago

gateway.isolarcloud.eu worked for me

This worked for me as well, thanks!