MickMake / HomeAssistantAddons

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Images missing to get the lovelace yaml files working #7

Closed arfoll closed 1 year ago

arfoll commented 1 year ago

The lovelace basic I got configured relatively easily (shame your example uses _2 indexed units, mine are all _1, without that it would have worked just by changing the ps_id)

I couldn't find the images you have stored in /local though. So everything works once I installed the two front end addons canvas-gauge-card and mini-graph-card but the first status page doesn't give me the nice triangle view.

MickMake commented 1 year ago

OK. Added them in. Also changed the YAML files; _2 is now _1.

arfoll commented 1 year ago

Thanks alot for the ultra quick response! Closing the issue as all fixed. I'll try fixup the docu if I see any other small issues.