I often have the problem that the download of some files fails silently, which leaves them truncated. When opening these, astropy warns
WARNING: File may have been truncated: actual file length (7094272) is smaller than the expected size (10074240) [astropy.io.fits.file]
A method to check if all downloaded files can be opened and redownload files that can't would be extremely helpful.
By the way, I switched to your ztflc-code for forced photometry and I am extremely delighted by it!
Hi Mickael,
I often have the problem that the download of some files fails silently, which leaves them truncated. When opening these, astropy warns
WARNING: File may have been truncated: actual file length (7094272) is smaller than the expected size (10074240) [astropy.io.fits.file]
A method to check if all downloaded files can be opened and redownload files that can't would be extremely helpful.
By the way, I switched to your ztflc-code for forced photometry and I am extremely delighted by it!