I'm using ZTFquery on my JupyterNotebook to download ZTF data. Strangely, the wall time is 5 min 48s, whereas the CPU time is only 1 min 28s. The cell is in idle for 4 minutes, even after the download is done. Does anyone know what is causing this long wall time?
Here is my code:
%matplotlib notebook
from ztfquery import query
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from astropy import time
zquery = query.ZTFQuery()
# Input parameters
jdstart, jdend = time.Time("2018-01-01").jd, time.Time("2018-12-01").jd
fieldid = 710
ccdid = 11
# Create a query
sql_query = (f"field={fieldid}"
f" and ccdid={ccdid} and filtercode='zg'"
f" and obsjd BETWEEN {jdstart} AND {jdend}")
# Convert the key information into strings
root_dir = "/usr/workspace/myusername/data_ZTF/"
str_ccd = 'zg_c'+str(ccdid).zfill(2)
# Directory name
download_dir = root_dir + str_ccd + f'_field%d'%(fieldid) + '_sci/'
# Download data
zquery.download_data(suffix='sciimg.fits', download_dir=download_dir, show_progress=False)
I'm using "%%time" command to show the CPU time and wall time. Here is the result:
CPU times: user 1min 15s, sys: 13.6 s, total: 1min 28s
Wall time: 5min 48s
I'm using ZTFquery on my JupyterNotebook to download ZTF data. Strangely, the wall time is 5 min 48s, whereas the CPU time is only 1 min 28s. The cell is in idle for 4 minutes, even after the download is done. Does anyone know what is causing this long wall time?
Here is my code:
I'm using "%%time" command to show the CPU time and wall time. Here is the result: