Micke-K / IntuneManagement

Copy, export, import, delete, document and compare policies and profiles in Intune and Azure with PowerShell script and WPF UI. Import ADMX files and registry settings with ADMX ingestion. View and edit PowerShell script.
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Incompatible modules with PowerShell 7+ #193

Open aollivierre opened 5 months ago

aollivierre commented 5 months ago

many modules are broken when running this tool in PowerShell 7+. We get a wall of error. Super easy to re-produce if you simply call start-intunemanagement.ps1 in a PWSH.exe window.

Micke-K commented 5 months ago


This is a known issue. Only supported with PowerShell 5 at the moment. PowerShell 7 breaks a few things when converting json data with DateTime + a few other issues.

I might look into this in the future.


BenjaminNiemann commented 1 month ago

Found another issue with powershell 7. In Core.psm1 $PSVersionTable.BuildVersion and $PSVersionTable.CLRVersion are not supported. Please keep that in mind, when you update the module :) Thanks

Micke-K commented 3 weeks ago


Thank you for that. I might start looking at this soon. New version is coming along very slowly. Way too slow because I've been too busy with other things and the rewrite ended up much bigger than I thought. I have a good base now but still lots to do. PowerShell 7 is one of them.
