Micke1101 / OSTicket-plugin-TinyMCE

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TinyMCE does not allow for selecting of canned response in osTicket 1.11 #31

Open blueyeguy opened 5 years ago

blueyeguy commented 5 years ago

Not sure if you are still maintaining this amazing plugin, but we just updated from 1.10.1 to 1.11 for osTicket, and they have changed the response interface a little. When we select our canned response from the list, the text does not populate into the typing area. If i disable the plugin, then the text populates into the text area as expected.

I have noticed that you do not appear to be as active in the osTicket forums as you once were, and I have not been as well. My job duties have pulled me away from having the time to help ntozier respond to users questions. If you are not maintaining this plugin, I completely understand. Some times real life doesn't allow us the time to do the things we once could.

I hope though to hear a response from you either way, so that I know whether to abandon use of it completely, or just until you have the opportunity to rework whatever the devs broke :-)

Thank you for all you do/did for the osTicket community.