In my opinion 'MappedDriveReport' does not work as advertised. The mapped drives are written to WMI correctly but the WMI class definition is incorrect. If the created WMI class gets imported to SCCM only one drive is collected per device.
Only if "ComputerName", "DriveLetter" and "UserName" are defined as key a correct inventory will be created.
Every user can have multiple drive maps and every drive letter can be used by multiple users. Therefore only a combination of three keys defines a unique data set.
In my opinion 'MappedDriveReport' does not work as advertised. The mapped drives are written to WMI correctly but the WMI class definition is incorrect. If the created WMI class gets imported to SCCM only one drive is collected per device.
Only if "ComputerName", "DriveLetter" and "UserName" are defined as key a correct inventory will be created.
Every user can have multiple drive maps and every drive letter can be used by multiple users. Therefore only a combination of three keys defines a unique data set.