MicroB3-IS / osd-analysis

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phylogenetic tree #28

Open BouchraChaouni opened 8 years ago

BouchraChaouni commented 8 years ago

Request: Dear EBI Metagenomics Team, I have a request about the phylogenetic tree related to my work. When I downloaded the file where it's mentioned phylogenetic tree under Taxonomic Analysis for instance in this page for OSD24: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/metagenomics/projects/ERP009703/samples/ERS667644/runs/ERR771021/results/versions/2.0#ui-id-6 I got numbers as leaf IDs when I visualise the tree, instead of the taxonomic name. What can I do to get the correct phylogenetic tree visualization? PS: I used Fig Tree and iTOL

Solution: metagenomics-help@ebi.ac.uk Dear Bouchra, thanks for contacting us. The numbers used as leaf IDs are the OTU numbers and you can get the corresponding taxonomy assignments from the 'OTUs, reads and taxonomic assignments.tv' file. We display it this way as not all taxonomy assignments are at the same taxonomic level. However if you would like to replace the OTU number in the tree by the corresponding OTU assignments, you can do so by following these steps: