MicroPhase / antsdr-fw-patch

Repository of antsdr firmware make
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dropbear password authentication doesn't work in v0.35 #11

Closed daniestevez closed 6 months ago

daniestevez commented 7 months ago

I am using the v0.35 branch as a basis to add Maia SDR to the AntSDR firmware.

I have noticed that dropbear's password authentication doesn't work when trying to ssh into the AntSDR. Running ssh -v to connect shows:

debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey

and the connection cannot be stablished. This should show instead

debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password

On the AntSDR, dropbear is running as dropbear -R, so password logins as root should be enabled. I have tried adding an ssh key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys on the AntSDR, and connecting using that ssh key does work. It is only password authentication which is broken (it is not even offered as an option by dropbear). I have also tried adding a user to the AntSDR and sshing into that user, to see if password authentication was only disabled for root. It turns out that dropbear doesn't offer password authentication for a regular user either.

I am building the v0.35 firmware using Maia SDR's maia-sdr-devel docker image. This has Vivado 2021.2 and uses the gcc toolchain from Vitis 2021.2 (in buildroot it is used as an external toolchain). I have required to make a few modifications to the antsdr v0.35 firmware to be able to build it with this toolchain. See here. The builds are done in the Maia SDR CI infrastructure. See here. I know that to build the v0.35 firmware you are supposed to use Vivado 2021.1 and the toolchain from the Xilinx SDK 2019.1. I haven't tried building with this toolchain, because I don't have it installed at the moment. I don't think using a different toolchain is causing dropbear to be broken, but I guess it's not impossible that this is the problem. There are no pre-built firmware images for v0.35 published in this repository, so the only way I've been able to test is by building my own v0.35 images.

I have compared the dropbear in the AntSDR v0.35 firmware with the one in the Pluto (Maia SDR firmware based on ADI firmware v0.37). I haven't seen any difference that could explain this problem. Even though the versions of buildroot are different, the version of the dropbear package seems to be the same, and the configuration is also the same.

daniestevez commented 6 months ago

This problem has been solved in the v0.38 branch. Closing.