MicroPhase / antsdr-fw

ANTSDR Firmware
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How to use ANTSDR E310 with MATLAB 2022a #20

Open ezorkun-github opened 1 year ago

ezorkun-github commented 1 year ago

I have a MicroPhase ANTSDR E310 with latest firmware (e310_v1.2-dirty) .

When I tried to use ANTSDR E310 with MATLAB 2022a, I get the following error

dev = sdrdev('AD936x');

dev.IPAddress = '' dev = SDRDevAD936x with properties:

 IPAddress: ''
DeviceName: 'AD936x'

testConnection(dev, '');

Pinging host IP address

Pinging radio IP address

Checking compatibility of software with hardware

Error using comm.zynqradioshared.dev.Base/testConnection Error attempting to connect to address ''.

Error connecting to SSH server at This could be due to:

Error in comm.zynqradio.dev.Base/testConnection (line 64) status = testConnection@comm.zynqradioshared.dev.Base(obj,varargin{:});

How can I overcome this connection problem? Thanks

black-pigeon commented 1 year ago

Hi, you can download the v0.34 firmware from this release.

You can install the plutosdr hardware support package, and then you can connect to the device by.

rx1 = sdrrx('Pluto','RadioID', 'ip:');
tx1 = sdrtx('Pluto','RadioID', 'ip:');

Additionally, you can use ADI Transceiver Toolbox to connect the device.