MicroShed / boost

Boost Maven and Gradle plugins for MicroProfile development
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Investigate use of consistent LMP version internally from Boost when called by liberty:dev goal #367

Open scottkurz opened 5 years ago

scottkurz commented 5 years ago

Assuming https://github.com/OpenLiberty/ci.maven/pull/530 is merged, when liberty-maven-plugin:dev (LMP) calls boost:package then boost will internally use its own version of LMP internally in the calls it makes via mojo-executor to liberty-maven-plugin.

Until we've proven otherwise, it would seem this could create problems. E.g. what if the wrong version of a Mojo is loaded by Boost.

We should investigate this more.

cherylking commented 5 years ago

Since LMP is calling the boost plugin, it seems like it could pass along the necessary info about itself so that boost could use the same version of LMP.

scottkurz commented 5 years ago

UPDATE: I played around a bit and at least don't see that there is any kind of fundamental problem with loading multiple versions of LMP in the liberty:dev:v1 -> boost:package -> liberty:package:v2 sequence. I was able to load mojos from the correct, distinct versions in a path like this.

Also, noticing that ci.common hosts the ServerFeatureUtil and that each of the two LMP versions in this path will use this with static methods, I put a static init in ServerFeatureUtil and built two test LMP versions using two distinct ci.common versions (modifying the static init in ServerFeatureUtil). I saw that, correctly, each respective use of ServerFeatureUtil ran the static init for the correct version.

So it seems the question is simply: which version of LMP do we want to use from Boost? Do we want it to be:

But it's not as if there is a huge problem with how it works today

So will leave this open to investigate.