Microstrategy does this everywhere it does recursive dependencies, but I'm wondering if there is some setting to avoid it that I have not found yet?
If you have a Fact object and you want to see which reports need it, when you do a recursive dependency search you will get a list that includes all the Attributes that came from the same tables and all their reports regardless of whether the Fact - Metric is used.
Below is my workaround, but it is extremely slow. Doing maybe two objects a second.
The full recursive search is very fast, but has tons of irrelevant objects and no real way to differentiate what is a dependent of the object and what is a dependent of the table that is a component of the object.
def getDirectDependents(depns, obj, depth):
# !! Attribute.list_dependents(uses_recursive=True) goes down to Table then back up, so it's useless. Need one at a time loop
# don't let higher schema objects drop back down to table level
# want to avoid flow like table - attribute - fact - table - ... everything else dependent on the table
# example: 31 dbconn/29 dbinstance/15 table1/12 attribute1/15 table2/13 fact2/4 Metric2/3 Report2/
# Report2 is not an actual dependent of attribute1.
dependents = obj.list_dependents(uses_recursive=False,to_dictionary=False)
for d in dependents:
# Not Schema or Schema Hierarchy
if d not in depns and not ( d.id == 'A92B4BC0131145A0A2BE3DCD5D77F57C' or d.id == 'FD107ADDE8A948AE80F794A288FA70F4' ):
# Not a Table if we're already above Tables
if not ( obj.type.value in [1,3,12,13] and d.type.value == 15 ):
if not any(d.id == lst.id for lst in depns):
#print(str(depth) + ' - ' + str(d.type.value) + ' - ' + d.name)
getDirectDependents(depns, d, depth+1, project_id)
d.depth = depth
return depns
Hi @hustontrevor, unfortunately your solution is the only possible one at the moment. If there are any changes in endpoints, we'll investigate it further.
Microstrategy does this everywhere it does recursive dependencies, but I'm wondering if there is some setting to avoid it that I have not found yet?
If you have a Fact object and you want to see which reports need it, when you do a recursive dependency search you will get a list that includes all the Attributes that came from the same tables and all their reports regardless of whether the Fact - Metric is used.
Below is my workaround, but it is extremely slow. Doing maybe two objects a second.
The full recursive search is very fast, but has tons of irrelevant objects and no real way to differentiate what is a dependent of the object and what is a dependent of the table that is a component of the object.