MicroStrategy / mstrio-py

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Get Form Names with Python #120

Closed ViniciusLevyC closed 1 year ago

ViniciusLevyC commented 1 year ago

Hi people! Is there any way to get the form names passing the attribute id? I attached the example for what I need. Thanks a lot!

xdumstr commented 1 year ago


First, you need to get Attribute. You can get it by ID, or name.

Then, using your attribute object (e.g. attr), you can

Check this page for examples.

ViniciusLevyC commented 1 year ago

Hi @xdumstr thanks for you message.

I tried implement that, but my code does not work.

I am trying print informations about Dossier, like:

Dossier Name Dossier ID --- Datasets/Cubes Names --- Datasets/Cubes ID ------- Attributes Name ------- Attributes ID ----------- Attribute Forms Name ----------- Attribute Expression ----------- Expression Tables Used ------- Metrics Name ------- Metrics ID ----------- Metrics Table Column Used ----------- Metrics Table Name

I have part of these informations, but I start to have problems when I try shows Form Names.

I attached my code here, just for understand which I stop and which steps I tried.

So, thanks for your help! If I have some evolution I post here.

Cheers. Script Get Dossier Informations.txt

mstrpr commented 1 year ago

Hi @ViniciusLevyC can you describe in more detail what problem do you have with form name?

ViniciusLevyC commented 1 year ago

Hello @mstrpr

Sure... If you look the image I attached on my first post, we can see the yellow column "Form Name" and other column "Form Category", I attached my script on my last post (just to show my steps and maybe help me to adjust). Every time I tried print the Form Name, my console shows the form category, how I know that? Because the result is "Cliente ID", "Cliente None", "Cliente None 2", "Cliente None 3", etc.

To be honestly, I don't have any other idea how can I get Form Name, I read loads of time the documentation, tried change my script, but without any success.

If you have any other idea, let me know please!

Thanks a lot!

mstrpr commented 1 year ago

So form is an object in mstrio, so you can just access its name by dot notation form.name.

Here how to print names of all forms of an attribute:

attr_forms = Attribute(conn, id='attribute id').forms

for form in attr_forms:

Let me know if this helps.

ViniciusLevyC commented 1 year ago

@mstrpr I tried and received an error.

Console result:

    Nome do Dossier: Relatório Operacional Interno


    Nome dataset: Cubo NRT - V_VEL_INTERNOS_NRT Report Operacional Interno
    ID: 6EB1A4C94F668F5D33E555925BD04888

        Nome do atributo: Cliente

        Descrição do atributo: Nome do Cliente

        ID do Atributo: 6FB5F7904155CC2DC157B288D4B0AC8D
    Error getting attribute with ID: 6FB5F7904155CC2DC157B288D4B0AC8D
    I-Server Error 8004cb07, Error when restoring the idToken: Required property 'identityTokenSecretKey' for identity token generation is not configured
    Ticket ID: None
    Unexpected error during PyExec Python code execution: Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\tools\msys\20160205-3\var\lib\jenkins\workspace\PyExec-.-m2021_24-.-stage-1-dev-win\production\pyexec.py", line 24, in <module>
      File "<PyExec: inline code>", line 74, in <module>
      File "mstrio\utils\version_helper.py", line 42, in inner
      File "mstrio\modeling\schema\attribute\attribute.py", line 453, in __init__
      File "mstrio\utils\entity.py", line 150, in __init__
      File "mstrio\utils\entity.py", line 203, in fetch
      File "mstrio\utils\api_helpers.py", line 39, in unpack_information_inner
      File "mstrio\utils\error_handlers.py", line 59, in inner
      File "mstrio\utils\helper.py", line 243, in response_handler
    mstrio.utils.helper.IServerError: Error when restoring the idToken: Required property 'identityTokenSecretKey' for identity token generation is not configured; code: '8004cb07', ticket_id: 'None'

I don't understand why the script is not working.

Let me show what I did:

     # Imput Dossier ID
      dossier_id = 'my Dossier ID'

      # Get Dossier (ID)
      dossiers = list_dossiers(connection=conn, project_id=project_id, id=dossier_id)
      dossier = dossiers[0]

      # Print Dossier Name
      print(f"Nome do Dossier: {dossier.name}")

      # Get Dossier Dependencies
      dependencies = dossier.list_dependencies(type=3)

      # Print Dataset ID and Name
      for i in range(len(dependencies)):
          dataset = dependencies[i].get('name')
          dataset_id = dependencies[i].get('id')
          print(f"Nome dataset: {dataset}")
          print(f"ID: {dataset_id}")

          # Get Dataset Reports
          dataset2 = list_reports(connection=conn, project_id=project_id, id=dataset_id)
          for x in range(len(dataset2)):
              report = dataset2[x]
              # Get Dataset Dependencies
              dependencies2 = report.list_dependencies()
              # Print Dependencies
              for dependency in dependencies2:
                  # IF Type related on Attribute, Print Name, Description and ID
                  if dependency.get('type') in [12, 21] and dependency.get('subtype') in [3072, 5377]:
                      print(f"\n\tNome do atributo: {dependency.get('name')}")
                      print(f"\n\tDescrição do atributo: {dependency.get('description')}")
                      print(f"\n\tID do Atributo: {dependency.get('id')}")
                      attr_id = dependency.get('id')
                      attr_forms = Attribute(connection=conn, id=attr_id).forms
                      for form in attr_forms:
mstrpr commented 1 year ago

@ViniciusLevyC This error: IServerError: Error when restoring the idToken: Required property 'identityTokenSecretKey' for identity token generation is not configured; is a problem with the server. Here's article describing it: link See if it helps.

ViniciusLevyC commented 1 year ago

Hello @mstrpr Thanks for your help, I followed the article steps, and I saw the form name result, now I have another error, but I will check if I have any sintax or other thing to change. Thank you so much!