MicroTrendsLtd / NinjaTrader8

NinjaTrader8 Components Strategies and Trading tools
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File Structure ATSQuadroStrategyBase.GUI Folder #66

Closed TLable closed 2 years ago

TLable commented 2 years ago

As shown in the screenshot, the file structure to the ATSQuadroStrategyBase has similar structure to Ninja Trader 8 folder. Though in the Zip one level above alongside "ATSQuadroStrategyBase.GUI" & "ATSQuadroStrategyBase" folders, which inside the "ATSQuadroStrategyBase.GUI" folder has dissimilar fil structure to Ninja Trader 8 folder, and I ask what is the proper placement to the folder? Does it go on the same level as Ninja Trader 8 inside Documents, or do "ATSQuadroStrategyBase.GUI" folder files have a separate placement inside Documents>Ninja Trader 8 structure.

Screenshot_265 (2)_LI .

MicroTrendsTom commented 2 years ago

By your question it is obvious you are off the green and fairway into the woods and rough. No where does it say to use or copy that other folder it only discusses 1 folder and shows 2 routes that both work.

Please see the readme to get oriented again this has been updated. https://github.com/MicroTrendsLtd/NinjaTrader8#readme

Focus only on this branch: https://github.com/MicroTrendsLtd/NinjaTrader8/tree/main/ATSQuadroStrategyBase

To install and get started, In theory requires basic 101 operating system skills with zip files, windows folders copy and paste. It should only take about 30seconds to do: Download Zip, Extract, Browse to and Select source folder. Copy. browse to target folder paste over target - yes to copy.
So maybe the steps are unclear or the screenshots not clear we will need to understand what is not clear to remedy. Let start from the begin and go to the end and see where the issue is etc.

Step 1 Install: Follow the exact step by step instructions here: #61
Use 2nd scenario with the zip file see here: https://github.com/MicroTrendsLtd/NinjaTrader8/discussions/61#discussioncomment-2891823 Please follow the exact words and screenshots- for each step.. Go right through to the end - ignore all other items that are not discussed in the instructions that you have written about as they are not relevant or needed etc

Step 2: Setup the code editor reference - See here #65

Follow the exact instructions and you should be home and dry.

Please Note If the instructions are not clear and you cannot understand or follow the steps - please say which step you are stuck on and what the issue is? So we can have a win win and arrive at the solution.