MicroTrendsLtd / NinjaTrader8

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does replay mode get a timeout from the workflow? #95

Closed MicroTrendsTom closed 1 year ago

MicroTrendsTom commented 1 year ago

To get on same page as to why a change was proposed in #92

Was there a timeout error occurring in playback mode before the dateTime changes:?

If so that was a bug in the worfklow steps - Playback should not have timeout workflow on.

The reasons are:

Solution We do not want to change the date to fix the timeout but in fact to remove the Playback from that section . So the solution for speed tests is not to change the date and add in the playback to the workflow

it is to fix the workflow and make sure playback does not get entangled in timeouts and so on. etc -The dateTime Now refactor is fine #91

MicroTrendsTom commented 1 year ago

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