MicrobialDarkMatter / nanomotif

Nanomotif - a tool for identifying methylated motifs in metagenomic samples
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Small bug in methylated_motif_occurences function #25

Closed SebastianDall closed 2 months ago

SebastianDall commented 2 months ago

In this function if the meth_positions_fwd/rev is [], then the whole function will fail even though there might be methylated occurences on one of the strand.

def motif_model_contig(pileup, contig: str, motif, save_motif_positions=False):
    Get the posterior for a single motif. Uses number of methylated motifs as methylation count.

    - pileup (Pileup): The pileup to be processed.
    - contig (str): The contig to be processed.
    - motif (str): The motif to be processed.
    - motif_meth_index (int): The index of the methylation site in the motif.

    - BetaBernoulliModel: The model for the candidate.
    # Strip motif of periods    # Strip motif of periods
    motif_stripped = motif.new_stripped_motif()

    meth_positions_fwd = pileup.filter(pl.col("strand") == "+")["position"].to_numpy()
    meth_positions_rev = pileup.filter(pl.col("strand") == "-")["position"].to_numpy()

    index_meth_fwd, index_nonmeth_fwd = methylated_motif_occourances(motif_stripped, contig, meth_positions_fwd)
    index_meth_rev, index_nonmeth_rev = methylated_motif_occourances(motif_stripped.reverse_compliment(), contig, meth_positions_rev)

    model = BetaBernoulliModel()
    model.update(len(index_meth_fwd) + len(index_meth_rev), len(index_nonmeth_fwd) + len(index_nonmeth_rev))

    return model

Comes from here:

def methylated_motif_occourances(motif, sequence, methylated_positions) -> tuple:
    Get occourances of a motif in a contig

    - motif (str): The motif to search for.
    - seq (str): The contig to search in.
    - contig_meth_positions (list): The positions of the methylation sites in the contig.

    - tuple: A tuple of two numpy arrays, the first containing the positions of the methylated motifs, the second containing the positions of the non-methylated motifs.
    assert len(motif) > 0, "Motif is empty"
    assert len(sequence) > 0, "Sequence is empty"    <----------------------------------
    assert len(methylated_positions) > 0, "Methylated positions is empty"
    assert type(motif) == Motif, "Motif is not a Motif type"
    # Get the index of the methylation in the motif in the contig
    motif_index = subseq_indices(motif.string, sequence) + motif.mod_position

    # Methylated motif positions
    meth_occurences = np.intersect1d(methylated_positions, motif_index)

    # Non-methylated motif positions
    nonmeth_occurences =  np.setdiff1d(motif_index, methylated_positions)

    return meth_occurences, nonmeth_occurences
SorenHeidelbach commented 2 months ago

Well spotted!

The bug has been fixed in #26