Microchip-Ethernet / EVB-KSZ9477

Repository for using Microchip EVB-KSZ9477 board. Product Supported: KSZ9477, KSZ9567, KSZ9897, KSZ9896, KSZ8567, KSZ8565, KSZ9893, KSZ9563, KSZ8563, LAN9646, Phys(KSZ9031/9131, LAN8770
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Request for Linux 5.15 Patches and Driver Sources for KSZ8463 Ethernet Switch with DSA Support (STM32MP1 Distribution Package) #94

Open VitaliNiakhai opened 1 year ago

VitaliNiakhai commented 1 year ago

Dear Microchip,

I am using the KSZ8463 Ethernet switch with DSA (Distributed Switch Architecture) on the Linux 5.15 kernel, specifically within the STM32MP1 Distribution Package from STMicroelectronics. I have found the KSZ8463 Linux drivers and patches for Linux 5.10. However, I need the corresponding patches and driver sources for Linux 5.15, specifically with DSA support, to integrate it into the STM32MP1 environment.

I kindly request that Microchip provides the necessary patches and complete driver sources for the KSZ8463 Ethernet switch, compatible with Linux 5.15 and integrated into the STM32MP1 Distribution Package. This would facilitate the seamless integration of the KSZ8463 Ethernet switch with DSA functionality in the STM32MP1 environment.

Your prompt assistance in this matter would be highly appreciated. If there are any additional steps or information required, please let me know, and I will be more than willing to assist.

Thank you for your attention to this request. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Linux kernel version: 5.15
Microchip KSZ8463 Ethernet switch
Intended use: DSA (Distributed Switch Architecture)
STM32MP1 Distribution Package: [STM32MP1 Distribution Package](https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/STM32MP1_Distribution_Package#Installing_the_OpenSTLinux_distribution)