Open LuisCRSousa opened 4 years ago
If you're using the Aria library then that version of the Composer can make use of an OS's font handling and we have seen issues like this on Windows.
The newer Legato version of Composer uses the FreeType engine for all font rendering. This doesn't rely on the OS's font handling and instead directly works with ttf/otf files.
Thanks for the feedback.
When is Legato released for production support, with glcd? And does it have any tool to help convert aria graphical composer screens to legato?
The library itself is currently released as a beta in Harmony. It ships with a placeholder version of Composer that can import an Aria project and supports most of the Legato features. A new version of Composer is currently being written from scratch in C++ that will fully support all of Legato's feature set. This new version is due out in the June time-frame.
With all the issue of COVID-19. Remains the release date for June?
Graphics v3.7.0 release is still on-schedule for release in June.
I have a project were I'm using NotoSans font in all strings. If I install the font in the PC, all generated strings becomes bigger than if I don't have the font installed.
With a Mac computer it generates smaller text than if the font it were not installed.