Microchip-MPLAB-Harmony / net

Harmony 3 Network library
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LAN9303 and TCPIP_STACK_NetIsLinked problem #32

Open harkwoodservices opened 2 years ago

harkwoodservices commented 2 years ago

I have been updating a project to the current Harmony revisions, previously I was using Net v3.6.1.

I have been using TCPIP_STACK_NetIsLinked to determine is there is anything connected to the 2 external ports on the LAN9303, which was working just fine. With v3.7.4 this function will always return true regardless of the state of the LAN9303 ports. If I go back to the previous net version the functionality returns as expected.

Is this a bug in the LAN9303 code?

harkwoodservices commented 2 years ago

Quick update, if I use net v3.7.2 everything is OK with TCPIP_STACK_NetIsLinked, however going to v3.7.3 and above and the fun function seems to always return true. I'll try and see whats changed...