MicrochipTech / ATSAMR34_LORAWAN_H3

"IoT Made Easy!" - Microchip LoRaWAN Stack Opened for SAM R34 IC and WLR089U0 Module running on MPLAB X IDE
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Missing Blocks in Project Graph #1

Closed LAPlanters closed 1 year ago

LAPlanters commented 1 year ago

Hi All,

I have followed the Read me doc and have run into some issues. I am on a Mac Book Pro, so im not sure if that could be the reason. When attempting to go to the options under the tools tab, there is no "options" to select. image

That is the first small problem. I think I was able to get by this when loading MPLAB Harmony 3 Content Manager.


The real problem is when I run the MPLAB Harmony 3 configurator is the Project map is populated with out the LoRaWAN stack core, or the wolf crypto modules. image

Im not sure how to fix this. Im sure it is a configuration mistake on my part because I am getting the same results on the Mac and a windows PC. Can someone please help! Thanks in advance!

LAPlanters commented 1 year ago

I was able to overcome the issue. There was two problems. For some reason the harmony-manifest-success.yml file that was generated had not included all of the packages. Luckily there is a harmony-manifest-failure.yml. This helped, but I still had to manually type in a couple packages that were not included.

The second problem was not being able to find the options option under the tools tab. In Mac's, it is a good idea to check preferences under the main tab of what ever program you are running. In this case MPLAB X IDE.


I was able to find the options tab in there and finally I could edit the framework path which fixed the issue of the MCC not being able to locate the lorawan_h3_sources package.


Its worth noting, there were two locations where the path had to be set. The "Harmony Path:" in the MPLAB Harmony 3 configurator image

and the Harmony Content Path under the MPLAB Code Configurator
