Prior to dataflow, when using function pipelines, SmartHLS did not support non-FIFO arguments to a sequence of function pipelines unless the non-FIFO argument was only used by the first function of the sequence. To work around this SmartHLS limitation in Training 1, we added the switch input as a FIFO that is always valid. This removes that hack which might have been confusing for the user. It also prevents all the dataflow functions being root functions.
Passes cosim
Regenerated the training and tested that it works on the board
Took the 2022.2 Libero zip project and replaced the canny_top component, still works on the board
Description: Prior to dataflow, when using function pipelines, SmartHLS did not support non-FIFO arguments to a sequence of function pipelines unless the non-FIFO argument was only used by the first function of the sequence. To work around this SmartHLS limitation in Training 1, we added the switch input as a FIFO that is always valid. This removes that hack which might have been confusing for the user. It also prevents all the dataflow functions being root functions.