MicrosoftDX / nether

Building blocks for gaming on Azure
MIT License
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Any chance of a matchmaking framework or In Game purchasing? #603

Open Subere23 opened 6 years ago

Subere23 commented 6 years ago

Great stuff you have here, looks solid to get certain parts of my project working.

I am looking to build a completely Azure-based networking solution for a Unity based Mixed Reality game. I am a long time game developer but I am not a network engineer. It is a testament for MS that I have gotten an asset bundle delivery system on azure up and running inside a single day.

My goal is to have this project out in some form by the end of the year, and will likely have to use Unity's In-App-Purchasing and Match Making systems for now, but would love to start moving toward a complete all in one Azure based solution.

krist00fer commented 6 years ago

Hi @Subere23 !

Yes, we are working on simple Match Making solutions in the Serverless branch as of right now. Also love to hear that you are working on a game and want to target Azure for backend development. It's feedback like this that will drive the development we focus on in Nether :-)

We also do welcome contributions so if you want to develop a scenario yourself then please do. I would recommend you to take a look at the Serverless branch and see what you can find there, since we are puting most of our effort there at the moment and the plan is to migrate everything we have to that branch and then make that the new "master branch".

Subere23 commented 6 years ago

@krist00fer I never got notification of your response. Sorry for the delay.

We are working on a mixed reality tabletop gaming and visualization system. This system would allow a local gaming group to start and stop with no setup or cleaning time, just get in and get out when done for the session. Save the place you left off with no hassle. The system is rule-set agnostic so the people playing can play any gaming system they want. Be it Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowrun or any number of other systems. It would allow telepresence and long distance collaboration options for those that are far away. The design is almost entirely cloud-based.

Adventure creation mode: Sample Gaming:

Also, I am working on a tutorial series for on incorporating Nether into mixed reality projects. While not out yet, I am hoping to get the first few parts out shortly.