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Is this report still available ? #718

Closed RoyBellingan closed 4 years ago

RoyBellingan commented 4 years ago

I do not see anywhere that report on the, also using the API asking for this report I receive a response like <?xml version="1.0"?> <s:Envelope xmlns:s=""&gt; <s:Header> <h:TrackingId xmlns:h=""&gt;c0883eda-b5d3-4174-b728-bec4c6c32f1d&lt;/h:TrackingId&gt; </s:Header> <s:Body> <PollGenerateReportResponse xmlns=""&gt; <ReportRequestStatus xmlns:i=""&gt; <ReportDownloadUrl i:nil="true"/> <Status>Success</Status> </ReportRequestStatus> </PollGenerateReportResponse> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>

So report is ready, but there is no url to download...

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eric-urban commented 4 years ago

@RoyBellingan per the documentation:

Use the download URL only if the Status element is set to Success. Even when the Status is set to Success, this element can be nil if no data is available for the submitted report parameters.

Please also note, the Professional demographics report is under 'Targeting' in the UI Reports tab. (There are no longer separate reports for the Audience network.) Please reach out if you have any follow up questions.

RoyBellingan commented 4 years ago

Thank you eric.