This request object is way too complicated to have so little documentation around it. There's a link above the example request that wants to link to a table of Request Body Elements, except that said table doesn't exist and it instead links to the Request Header Elements table.
This page is basically impossible to work with as is.
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ID: 736b2dd2-dd03-fe6a-9227-be6969434e0d
Version Independent ID: ac863201-9d5f-95f4-1b62-e6cbe6678e4b
@SeanMeh good catch, and we've fixed the incorrect link to Request Body Elements. We've also added more details to the introduction and a link to the technical guide. Thanks!
This request object is way too complicated to have so little documentation around it. There's a link above the example request that wants to link to a table of Request Body Elements, except that said table doesn't exist and it instead links to the Request Header Elements table.
This page is basically impossible to work with as is.
Document Details
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