This page makes no sense. Why do you make it such a chore to get something that should be easily accessed with a click of a button? When I go to the developer portal, I get a blank page. This is extremely poorly designed and convoluted. Google can identify a DMA just from typing it in, why can't MSN do the same? These location codes are extremely irritating to deal with.
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ID: f9386f77-cbc0-0906-2c31-311ea80f4e1d
Version Independent ID: b138bf14-e2cf-8223-10fa-e23b79cdbeca
This page makes no sense. Why do you make it such a chore to get something that should be easily accessed with a click of a button? When I go to the developer portal, I get a blank page. This is extremely poorly designed and convoluted. Google can identify a DMA just from typing it in, why can't MSN do the same? These location codes are extremely irritating to deal with.
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