What do you mean that you need to upgrade SQL Server if using Power BI report server:
"To upgrade SQL Server and SQL Server Reporting Services, first remove the reporting services point from the site. After you upgrade SQL Server, then reinstall the reporting services point in Configuration Manager."
Is it really necessary? If so, from which SQL Server to where?
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ID: ed3637a6-0616-a14a-2864-9c7d6bbc70e0
Version Independent ID: 7b0ddfd8-2c0f-9518-39e6-e49130ae2f58
Hi @PanuSaukko, that's a general comment about reporting services, nothing to do with PowerBI Server. It's a separate section in the article. Sorry for the confusion.
What do you mean that you need to upgrade SQL Server if using Power BI report server:
"To upgrade SQL Server and SQL Server Reporting Services, first remove the reporting services point from the site. After you upgrade SQL Server, then reinstall the reporting services point in Configuration Manager."
Is it really necessary? If so, from which SQL Server to where?
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