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Updated doc for AzurePowerShell task to latest version #10144

Closed Jeej closed 3 years ago

Jeej commented 3 years ago


The current documentation about the Azure PowerShell task is still using version 4, while version 5 is not in preview anymore an it is the latest version.

Additionally, the documentation is missing the pwsh argument, this is important if you want to run you script on PowerShell Core (you should!). Giving a version number with the other parameters doesn't work. This PR addresses #7434

Furthermore, #9723 describes also that the list of installed modules is outdated, so changed that and created a link to the hosted agents page. The list there is always (should be) up to date.

Added Fixes Fixes

PRMerger14 commented 3 years ago

@Jeej : Thanks for your contribution! The author(s) have been notified to review your proposed change.

Jeej commented 3 years ago

@RoopeshNair Hi, would you review the pull request? Thanks!

Jeej commented 3 years ago

@RoopeshNair Hi, any change that you can review the pull request? Thank you in advance!

This PR should also address the following issues:



Jeej commented 3 years ago

@RoopeshNair / @ktoliver Can you please review my PR :smile:

ktoliver commented 3 years ago

Hi @Jeej - I'm not a SME, so I'm not able to.

@steved0x @juliakm Would one of you be able to review the proposed updates? If approved, the commit should be moved to the private repo for merging so that redirects can be created for the renamed files. Thanks.

Jeej commented 3 years ago

Hi @RoopeshNair @steved0x @juliakm can you please review my changes? I understand that you are busy and doing important work, but I created the PR already more than one month ago. By this time I would have expected any interaction.

Although the changes seems small, it is crucial information and I was missing this information when I was busy with one of our pipelines.

If you don't want the changes you can close this PR (no comments necessary).

This PR also addresses #10333

juliakm commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay. Thanks @Jeej!


PRMerger9 commented 3 years ago

@juliakm: I'm sorry - only the author of this article, @RoopeshNair, can sign off on your changes. But we do have an exception process - if you are on the Microsoft content or product team for this product area, you can ask the PR review team to review and merge it by sending mail to the techdocprs alias.

PRMerger13 commented 3 years ago

@ktoliver : Thanks for your contribution! The author(s) have been notified to review your proposed change.

Jeej commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay. Thanks @Jeej!


Hi @juliakm thank you for accepting the changes, I am happy to see that my PR is merged!