MicrosoftDocs / azure-devops-docs

This repo is the home of the official Azure DevOps documentation for Microsoft. GitHub Issues filed in this repository should be for problems with the documentation.
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Make it simpler to Create a PAT #9187

Closed yujinnee closed 3 years ago

yujinnee commented 3 years ago

In user settings, there's already Personal access tokens tap. So we just need to select Personal access tokens directly.

PRMerger9 commented 3 years ago

@focusonmx : Thanks for your contribution! The author(s) have been notified to review your proposed change.

yujinnee commented 3 years ago

I also want to change the image of second procedure in Create a PAT. But I have no idea whether can I change the image on my own. Is it okay to make image and upload it the way I want? or can somebody do it for me?

vtbassmatt commented 3 years ago

You can add images yourself. I think there's some kind of requirement to wrap a grey, 1-pixel box around them but don't know the specifics on that. Go ahead and add the image, and one of the reviewers will tell you if there's something more to be done.

ktoliver commented 3 years ago

Hi @focusonmx - You can add image files in the PR.

These are the key rules:

Thanks. -PR review team

ghost commented 3 years ago

CLA assistant check
All CLA requirements met.

yujinnee commented 3 years ago

@vtbassmatt @ktoliver I added image file. Can this pr be merged?

vtbassmatt commented 3 years ago

@focusonmx you've got to do the CLA thing, then I can merge.

ktoliver commented 3 years ago

@focusonmx I neglected to mention that the preferred format for a screenshot in this repo is .png format. Would you be able to save the image file as a .png file (lowercase extension)?

PRMerger16 commented 3 years ago

@focusonmx : Thanks for your contribution! The author(s) have been notified to review your proposed change.

ktoliver commented 3 years ago

We'll move forward with the JPG file. Thanks, all.