Great tutorial with an clear explanation for creating durable functions in Azure in JavaScript.
While testing the sample in V4, the code generated the following error message:
TypeError: Worker was unable to load entry point "src/functions/hello.js": Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'orchestration') at Object. (C:\Users\source\repos\AzureDurableFunctionApp\src\functions\hello.js:6:8).
Thanks for looking into this issue.
Kind regards,
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ID: 7bc8fe9b-d51f-7858-8989-c37699a98a62
Version Independent ID: b170803b-7bdc-b169-d76a-b0dd418ba629
Great tutorial with an clear explanation for creating durable functions in Azure in JavaScript. While testing the sample in V4, the code generated the following error message: TypeError: Worker was unable to load entry point "src/functions/hello.js": Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'orchestration') at Object. (C:\Users\source\repos\AzureDurableFunctionApp\src\functions\hello.js:6:8).
Thanks for looking into this issue. Kind regards, Christian
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