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Azure Functions Python Logging from coroutines #119267

Open karpikpl opened 7 months ago

karpikpl commented 7 months ago

When using coroutines, logs are not visible in the application insights.

There's a stack overflow answer on how to manage that but it's outdated and not an official fix.

The solution using the thread local storage to assign invocationId works for traces but not dependencies, when open telemetry exporter is used. Is there a way to solve it also for other kids of telemetry?

Here's the repository:

Can we include in the documentation, that when coroutines are used, logs won't be available?

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karpikpl commented 7 months ago

hey @lzchen would you know the answer for open telemetry? when I see logs in Application Insights, my traces have open operation id but all my dependencies (from coroutines) get new, unique operation ids

AjayBathini-MSFT commented 7 months ago

@karpikpl Thanks for your feedback! I've assigned this issue to the author who will investigate and update as appropriate.

lzchen commented 7 months ago


I'm not too familiar if Azure functions provides mechanisms to pass information between threads but if you have access to context similarly to the stack overflow post, you can set the operation ids manually yourself like in this example. Note that the example is not exactly intended for the use case you outlined but the basic idea should still work.

karpikpl commented 7 months ago

I'm using that to pass in trace parent and trace state for open telemetry. This generally works until I have coroutines.

With the "solution" from stack overflow and setting thread local storage, I can get traces (logs) connected to same operation id.

It doesn't work for dependencies though.

lzchen commented 7 months ago


I can't seem to find that login the repository you linked. Could you post a code a snippet of exactly how you are instrumenting with OpenTelemetry with your trace correlation logic?

karpikpl commented 7 months ago

sorry - I just noticed I forgot to push last changes :/


    with tracer.start_as_current_span(f"foo {st} operation", kind=trace.SpanKind.INTERNAL):

        tls.invocation_id = context.invocation_id"THREAD: Running thread for arg {st}")
        response = get('')"THREAD: Thread {st} result: {response.status_code}")
        return context.invocation_id

Here's how it looks like in app insights - the dependency: image

and the main operation: image

the parent of the trace is not set, so they show up as disconnected operations

lzchen commented 7 months ago

Is invocation_Id the operationId that you want to be correlated with your call that shows up in Trace? If exists inside the start_as_current_span context manager, the Trace telemetry will be correlated with the Dependency that is type Internal as you see there.