The 4th prerequisite notes you need at least two partners defined using the 'DUNS' qualifier. There are multiple DUNS options in Azure partners and the first is the standard DUNS, but this one is NOT the correct one for RosettaNet. It has to be the string version that is at the bottom of the list.
In the 'Create RosettaNet agreement' section step 3 has a screen shot that shows the agreement creation using the wrong identity. It is using the standard DUNS option at is first on the list and will result in an error on creation.
This is pretty misleading considering the amount of DUNS options and really should just have a specific disclaimer.
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ID: c8f57210-76d8-d340-1c6d-5b6ed9b0271f
Version Independent ID: 2b494f14-95e4-b93d-067c-7259a3dbd39c
The 4th prerequisite notes you need at least two partners defined using the 'DUNS' qualifier. There are multiple DUNS options in Azure partners and the first is the standard DUNS, but this one is NOT the correct one for RosettaNet. It has to be the string version that is at the bottom of the list.
In the 'Create RosettaNet agreement' section step 3 has a screen shot that shows the agreement creation using the wrong identity. It is using the standard DUNS option at is first on the list and will result in an error on creation.
This is pretty misleading considering the amount of DUNS options and really should just have a specific disclaimer.
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