This is a great article, but I hoping to find an answer to what I suspect is a FAQ: "How can I extend the FHIR Service API with a custom FHIR operation?
These custom operations are in contrast to the built-in ones such as $everything. Many IGs specify a custom operation. I have seen a reference to a .NET project that can implement these but it's hard to locate and I forget where it was located. Not being a .NET programmer, ideally, I would like operation could be implemented as a serverless Typescript function deployed within the same resource group. To avoid having two separate base URLs, one for the FHIR Service and one for the operation, I imagine the only alternative would be to set up a proxy service, where the custom operation is handled by the proxy server and all other calls are forwarded on to the FHIR Service.
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ID: dd264a14-6933-e15a-bb74-08d6ee2ad00c
Version Independent ID: 93e31134-eedc-bfb7-937c-45738a05107e
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
I've delegated this to content author, who will review it and offer their insightful opinions.
This is a great article, but I hoping to find an answer to what I suspect is a FAQ: "How can I extend the FHIR Service API with a custom FHIR operation? These custom operations are in contrast to the built-in ones such as $everything. Many IGs specify a custom operation. I have seen a reference to a .NET project that can implement these but it's hard to locate and I forget where it was located. Not being a .NET programmer, ideally, I would like operation could be implemented as a serverless Typescript function deployed within the same resource group. To avoid having two separate base URLs, one for the FHIR Service and one for the operation, I imagine the only alternative would be to set up a proxy service, where the custom operation is handled by the proxy server and all other calls are forwarded on to the FHIR Service.
Thanks! Doug
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