[Azure DevTest Labs ] "Add a VM using an image from the attached shared image gallery " refers to an unexisting req body `properties.SharedImageId` #124851
The Azure DevTest Labs documentation about how to "Add a VM using an image from the attached shared image gallery" refers to a PUT method on virtual machines request body property properties.SharedImageId that is not documented.
Below is the error when using the undocumented request body property with python sdk:
azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: (MissingRequiredProperties) One of the following properties must be specified: customImageId, galleryImageReference.
Code: MissingRequiredProperties
Message: One of the following properties must be specified: customImageId, galleryImageReference.
The Azure DevTest Labs documentation about how to "Add a VM using an image from the attached shared image gallery" refers to a PUT method on virtual machines request body property
that is not documented.See : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devtest-labs/add-vm-use-shared-image and https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/blame/0f620e6ac197ef0c3ecdc9c7778e533bbbb931ea/articles/devtest-labs/add-vm-use-shared-image.md#L53
Here is the link of the AZ DevTest Labs virtual machines REST API: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/dtl/virtual-machines/create-or-update?view=rest-dtl-2018-09-15&tabs=HTTP#request-body where
does not exists.Below is the error when using the undocumented request body property with python sdk:
ms.author: @rosemalcolm author: @RoseHJM ms.custom: UpdateFrequency2