Open Kosaln opened 3 days ago
@Kosaln It would be great if you could add a link to the documentation you are following for these steps? This would help us redirect the issue to the appropriate team. Thanks!
Using an Active Directory administrator conflicts with the administratorLogin and administratorLoginPassword columns in your Bicep deployment, which are necessary for the construction of a MySQL Flexible Server. Both an Active Directory administrator and a conventional MySQL administrator cannot be specified simultaneously. To fix the issue, you can update your Bicep file to only use Active Directory for administration by omitting administratorLogin
and administratorLoginPassword
when using the Active Directory administrator.
But, if i chose to use mysql and aad authentication then its a challenge. How do we go about it.?
Please refer to this article, I hope it might help for your requirements.
I'm trying to achieve this through bicep not from the portal. this wont help. Will there be any development to mysql bicep module, wherein it allow to set the authentication type and enter the entra ids for authentication, Just like we have for postgres flexible
Hi Guys, Im getting this issue for mysql server creation with bicep latest api. I'm giving the administrator name as user assigned managed Identity name {"code":"InvalidParameterValue","message":"Invalid value given for parameter administratorName. Specify a valid parameter value."}. Im able to do the same on portal. Pls help.
resource server 'Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers@2024-06-01-preview' = { location: location name: serverName sku: { name: skuName tier: serverEdition } identity: { type: 'UserAssigned' userAssignedIdentities: { '${userAssignedIdentityResourceId}': {} //any() } } properties: { version: serverVersion administratorLogin: administratorLogin administratorLoginPassword: administratorLoginPassword availabilityZone: '1' highAvailability: { mode: haEnabled } } }
resource userManagedIdentity 'Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities@2023-01-31' existing = { scope:resourceGroup(umirgname) name: umiName }
resource mysqlEntraAdmin 'Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/administrators@2023-12-30' = { name: '${serverName}-AADlogin' parent: server properties: { administratorType: 'ActiveDirectory' identityResourceId: userAssignedIdentityResourceId sid: tenantId: login: umiName }