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DNS Zone not created. #19724

Closed mapoitras closed 5 years ago

mapoitras commented 5 years ago

While following the steps above, I believe there is a problem where the DNS zone is not created.

Here are the versions I'm using C:\Users\mapoitra\OneDrive - Microsoft\Documents\Conferences>az --version azure-cli (2.0.51)

acr (2.1.9) acs (2.3.11) advisor (2.0.0) ams (0.3.0) appservice (0.2.7) backup (1.2.1) batch (3.4.1) batchai (0.4.4) billing (0.2.0) botservice (0.1.1) cdn (0.2.0) cloud (2.1.0) cognitiveservices (0.2.4) command-modules-nspkg (2.0.2) configure (2.0.19) consumption (0.4.0) container (0.3.9) core (2.0.51) cosmosdb (0.2.5) dla (0.2.3) dls (0.1.5) dms (0.1.1) eventgrid (0.2.0) eventhubs (0.3.1) extension (0.2.3) feedback (2.1.4) find (0.2.12) hdinsight (0.1.0) interactive (0.4.0) iot (0.3.4) iotcentral (0.1.4) keyvault (2.2.7) lab (0.1.3) maps (0.3.2) monitor (0.2.7) network (2.2.9) nspkg (3.0.3) policyinsights (0.1.0) profile (2.1.2) rdbms (0.3.5) redis (0.3.2) relay (0.1.2) reservations (0.4.1) resource (2.1.6) role (2.1.10) search (0.1.1) servicebus (0.3.2) servicefabric (0.1.8) signalr (1.0.0) sql (2.1.5) storage (2.2.5) telemetry (1.0.0) vm (2.2.8)

Extensions: dev-spaces-preview (0.1.6) mesh (0.9.3)

Python location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\python.exe' Extensions directory 'C:\Users\\cliextensions'

Python (Windows) 3.6.6 (v3.6.6:4cf1f54eb7, Jun 27 2018, 02:47:15) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)]

Steps: Create Resource group az group create --name MAPAKSDemoRG --location CanadaCentral

Create Cluster

az aks create -g MAPAKSDemoRG -n myAKS --location CanadaCentral --kubernetes-version 1.11.3 --enable-addons http_application_routing --generate-ssh-keys --enable-addons monitoring


$ az aks show --resource-group MAPAKSDemoRG --name myAKS --query addonProfiles.httpApplicationRouting.config.HTTPApplicationRoutingZoneName -o table

returns nothing

And when I look in my AKS cluster this is what is created: aks-agentpool-40163784-nsg Network security group Canada Central

aks-agentpool-40163784-routetable Route table Canada Central

aks-nodepool1-40163784-0 Virtual machine Canada Central

aks-nodepool1-40163784-0_OsDisk_1_e63bcb6d400344daa67fb39cc900f39a Disk Canada Central

aks-nodepool1-40163784-1 Virtual machine Canada Central

aks-nodepool1-40163784-1_OsDisk_1_c75a0ac8982c444899679a0fa8535bc4 Disk Canada Central

aks-nodepool1-40163784-2 Virtual machine Canada Central

aks-nodepool1-40163784-2_OsDisk_1_375e18fbe7a940f58f19fab3bb9d98e1 Disk Canada Central

aks-nodepool1-40163784-nic-0 Network interface Canada Central

aks-nodepool1-40163784-nic-1 Network interface Canada Central

aks-nodepool1-40163784-nic-2 Network interface Canada Central

aks-vnet-40163784 Virtual network Canada Central

nodepool1-availabilitySet-40163784 Availability set Canada Central

In the portal for my AKS cluster myAKS, the HTTP application routing domain N/A.

What am I doing wrong?

Document Details

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mimckitt commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! We are currently investigating and will update you shortly.

mimckitt commented 5 years ago

@mapoitras the DNS zone is deployed to the Resource Group that is autogenerated whenever you create an AKS cluster not the same resource group your AKS cluster is actually located in.


For example, if you create a cluster in RESOURCEGROUP1 and with a name of AKSCLUSTER a second recourse group will be created in addition to hold the AKS resources. Something like MC_RESOURCEGROUP1_AKSCLUSTER_LOCATION:

For example:


Can you check there and let me know?

mapoitras commented 5 years ago

Hi! Yes I tried again. No DNS Zone.

aks_create_using cli

It only works if I use the portal.

Here are the step to reproduce:

C:\Users\mapoitra\OneDrive - Microsoft\Documents\Conferences>az group create --name MAPAKSDemoRG --location CanadaCentral { "id": "/subscriptions/c4e0c171-a07d-4a3c-baef-8401d338848f/resourceGroups/MAPAKSDemoRG", "location": "canadacentral", "managedBy": null, "name": "MAPAKSDemoRG", "properties": { "provisioningState": "Succeeded" }, "tags": null }

C:\Users\mapoitra\OneDrive - Microsoft\Documents\Conferences>az aks create -g MAPAKSDemoRG -n myAKS --location CanadaCentral --kubernetes-version 1.11.3 --enable-addons http_application_routing --generate-ssh-keys --enable-addons monitoring { "aadProfile": null, "addonProfiles": { "omsagent": { "config": { "logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID": "/subscriptions/c4e0c171-a07d-4a3c-baef-8401d338848f/resourcegroups/defaultresourcegroup-cca/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/defaultworkspace-c4e0c171-a07d-4a3c-baef-8401d338848f-cca" }, "enabled": true } }, "agentPoolProfiles": [ { "count": 3, "maxPods": 110, "name": "nodepool1", "osDiskSizeGb": 30, "osType": "Linux", "storageProfile": "ManagedDisks", "vmSize": "Standard_DS2_v2", "vnetSubnetId": null } ], "dnsPrefix": "myAKS-MAPAKSDemoRG-c4e0c1", "enableRbac": true, "fqdn": "", "id": "/subscriptions/c4e0c171-a07d-4a3c-baef-8401d338848f/resourcegroups/MAPAKSDemoRG/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/myAKS", "kubernetesVersion": "1.11.3", "linuxProfile": { "adminUsername": "azureuser", "ssh": { "publicKeys": [ { "keyData": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDLWyRbSDLV9xSfCO0YlqidU2zVmAjDiPEAZBG/iYuCsorQsckRd09/FwJjCBJphBUw26Ohsr+Rs98/odyhVypd4wVAPHi9MyJILaS2pN9CjMKg7kREpkanA5BmIsoBUBsrk4L/rp7qzrd+tjLWZP0aX9Tjp6rTNCoe9EYfyJrka3j4bgIfMVwdsasJTraHgvYSP2x5qhoh7c/WEykpaXlo5dJlCdu3Un+cWosVol4NObuYgupZ36KzRMHyn8L4rZD7enhMS/CfZNoZKqq7BvCqJLnoF0ThUvMykqUUGlpSUnnDV9RjrmqXBGFLQIYFpVZYM8ZvBvtmFSSenLDt+1S1" } ] } }, "location": "canadacentral", "name": "myAKS", "networkProfile": { "dnsServiceIp": "", "dockerBridgeCidr": "", "networkPlugin": "kubenet", "networkPolicy": null, "podCidr": "", "serviceCidr": "" }, "nodeResourceGroup": "MC_MAPAKSDemoRG_myAKS_canadacentral", "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "resourceGroup": "MAPAKSDemoRG", "servicePrincipalProfile": { "clientId": "2d92fa67-de8d-4c23-87c9-46fa828b7e5d", "secret": null }, "tags": null, "type": "Microsoft.ContainerService/ManagedClusters" }

C:\Users\mapoitra\OneDrive - Microsoft\Documents\Conferences> C:\Users\mapoitra\OneDrive - Microsoft\Documents\Conferences>

See portal view: applicationk routing is na

mimckitt commented 5 years ago

@mapoitras I just ran through this and created a new cluster using

az aks create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --enable-addons http_application_routing

After checking the automatically created Resource Group I do see the DNS zone


I also tried it on an existing cluster and I see the DNS zone

az aks enable-addons --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --addons http_application_routing


Running the command you are running does in fact not create the DNS zone.

It might be due to enabling multiple addons at once.

Try enabling application routing after the fact.

az aks enable-addons --resource-group MAPAKSDemoRG --name myAKS --addons http_application_routing

This worked for me after running the commands you were


Or try creating the cluster using the commands in the doc then enabling additional addons after the fact.

mapoitras commented 5 years ago

Hi! Yes that works. It's when I add the Add-ons at the same time as the create that it fails. Can you recreate the bug if you put both add-ons at the create time?

mimckitt commented 5 years ago

@mapoitras in the method you were using to enable multiple addons yes, I see the same issue.

Looking at

If you want to deploy multiple addons you should add the addons in a comma-separated list.

I tried this and saw it worked as expected. So the issue is simply not using the correct format.

Give that a go and let me know if you have issues.

mimckitt commented 5 years ago

@mapoitras as mentioned, please use the format listed in the link I provided to add more than one addon.

@lachie83 can you take a look at this doc and see if we can add some info about adding more than one extension? Or at least maybe we should add a link to the correct format so others can easily find it.

mapoitras commented 5 years ago

Thanks. That works with the comma format. thanks