In both in-process and c# script input binding, the negotiate function sample is provided. That sample shows a function that acquires SignalR connection information using the input binding and returns it over HTTP.
But for isolated process sample negotiate method, an example for accepting data from hub and pushing to another hub is provided. I feel that is more of an example for output binding. Is it possible to update the input binding sample of isolated process to negotiate method?
More importantly, without that example (negotiate), we cannot use SignalR binding with isolated process function. So that is kind of prerequisite for this document which is not provided anywhere.
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ID: 9a81f341-dbf1-f04f-5bb8-8d28e368ad4a
Version Independent ID: 062aceba-71b2-960b-4356-85eb16bae784
In both in-process and c# script input binding, the negotiate function sample is provided. That sample shows a function that acquires SignalR connection information using the input binding and returns it over HTTP.
But for isolated process sample negotiate method, an example for accepting data from hub and pushing to another hub is provided. I feel that is more of an example for output binding. Is it possible to update the input binding sample of isolated process to negotiate method?
More importantly, without that example (negotiate), we cannot use SignalR binding with isolated process function. So that is kind of prerequisite for this document which is not provided anywhere.
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