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this tutorial is TOTALLY out of date nothing matches as of 20220801 #96499

Open sekhemrekhutawysobekhotep opened 2 years ago

sekhemrekhutawysobekhotep commented 2 years ago

This tutorial says

     "Examine the Azure Pipelines CI/CD pipeline"

however the tutorial is SO OUT OF DATE none of the screen shots match and evidently Azure no longer supports ability to setup a CI/CD where application code lives in github and the build and deploy pipelines live in Azure DevOps Pipelines

    I was hoping to learn 

how to create a build and deploy CI/CD where application code lives in github and the build and deploy CI/CD pipelines live in Azure DevOps Pipelines ... yet this tutorial implies this yet I can only guess Azure fails to support this use case

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sekhemrekhutawysobekhotep commented 2 years ago

Also when I follow the steps the deploy app errors out

Someone needs to update or decommission this tutorial

Sandeg-MSFT commented 2 years ago

@sekhemrekhutawysobekhotep Thank you for the update. I will this assigned to the content author to review this.