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The ms-appinstaller protocol has been disabled #283

Closed FixRM closed 2 years ago

FixRM commented 2 years ago

What do you mean by "The ms-appinstaller protocol has been disabled" and "Please update the link on the website so that the entire package will be downloaded."? What link should I update to what? All samples in the article start with ms-appinstaller protocol.

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BlazorDashboard commented 2 years ago

Screenshot 2021-12-16 154932

I am getting the same error.

Test Link:

Previously in the same link above I am getting the following:

mashbrno commented 2 years ago

Don't know why the protocol is disabled, but can you please update the index.html generator so the Get the app button just downloads the App Installer file? Now I'm using this workaround:

(Get-Content -Path AppPackages\index.html -Raw) -replace "href='ms-appinstaller:?source=", 'href=' | Set-Content -Path AppPackages\index.html
anarvekar-msft commented 2 years ago

We removed the ms-appinstaller custom scheme due to a security vulnerability. We do intend to bring this back, and are working on it. For now, you can update the link on your website by removing 'ms-appinstaller:?source='

FixRM commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @anarvekar-msft. We will need to install windows updates to get protocol enabled again?

Do we need to have AppInstaller app installed (or developer mode enabled) on target machines to use this workaround? Will auto update work for apps installed without ms-appinstaller scheme?

nbevans commented 2 years ago

The protocol being disabled has really messed us up. Our app would initiate the ms-appinstaller protocol via a Notification Toast message. The user could then click a button which would activate the protocol. But now when we push out our next update - this method won't work and the user will be presented with a nasty error message.

Why couldn't the App Installer presented a good UX for this instead? It would have been so easy to show the Hyperlink to the .appinstaller file and make this clickable by the user in App Installer. This could have then launched in their web browser as a file download. Thus not completely breaking everyone's app which relied on this protocol to "just work".

Unfortunately this situation means that we have no alternatives but to contact all of our customers and instil into them that Microsoft has messed up with this change and that they're going to have to initiate the app upgrade manually on every machine. The <OnLaunch ...> is too unreliable/flaky/non-deterministic to rely upon.

dianmsft commented 2 years ago

We posted a blog post describing this issue. We'll be providing updates about enabling the feature and next steps there.

yaira2 commented 2 years ago

We removed the ms-appinstaller custom scheme due to a security vulnerability. We do intend to bring this back, and are working on it. For now, you can update the link on your website by removing 'ms-appinstaller:?source='


@dianmsft @anarvekar-msft will the protocol be enabled again? This "workaround" doesn't support passing parameters to AppInstaller which is one of our requirements for using AppInstaller to deploy our application.